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Subject: RE: Channel access over wireless?
From: "Dalesio, Leo" <[email protected]>
To: Emmanuel Mayssat <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 17:59:09 +0000
Hi Emmanuel,
This was done by one of the companies that commercialized EPICS. Some work was required to get this done. One thing is to use a directory service to serve as a the directory so that you can directly connect to the channel. There were some other changes - but I do not recall them. I can give you a contact that may help. They installed several telemetry systems running EPICS with this modification to Channel Access.

From: [email protected] [[email protected]] on behalf of Emmanuel Mayssat [[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 1:55 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Channel access over wireless?

I am contemplating a project which requires wireless communication.
I would like to have telemetry information on a control station.
The network link specification is: range 1 mile at 250Kbps
Latency could definitely be an issue (measurement needed at this point)
I could potentially have several 250Kpbs links (not sure whether they can be 'trunked' together)

The remote device could run an IOC (I need something like a 'fast' sequencer for sure)
Between local OPI and remote IOC, I can use any communication protocol I want

Classic architecture:
local OPI ---- (CA over wireless) --- remote IOC
is there a way for an OPI to bypass the UDP discovery process and force connection to a specific IP addres/port?

Other possible architectures:
* mirroring of IOC
 local OPI --- (CA)--- local IOC -----(CA over wireless?) ---- remote IOC
How can you mirror an IOC, PV to PV ? (PV names need not be the same)

* 2 processes with duplicate queries
local OPI ---(CA)--- local IOC ----(serial protocol over wireless) ---- controller to remote hardware 
The remote IOC is independent from above and need to query the hardware as well
Maybe IPC could help reduce the number of 'real' queries?

* custom development (with Robot OS, aka ROS, or equivalent)
local OPI ---(CA)-- local IOC --- (serial protocol over wireless)--- non IOC software, i.e ROS
Make sense, but learning curve...

Any input?


Channel access over wireless? Emmanuel Mayssat

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