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Subject: RE: Rejected email
From: "Bertrand Alain Gregor" <[email protected]>
To: "Christopher J. Pendleton" <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 08:37:09 +0100

Hi Chris,


Good news I reproduced the bug on my side (and in the mean time fixed a bug with the C# channel access server as well) and I think I fixed the bug too. The latest version can be found on sourceforge.


For more details about this issue, somehow I didn't handled the arrays correctly and wasn't looking for the base type requested by the user of the library.


In case something doesn't work, let me know and I shall try to help you.




Alain Bertrand


From: Christopher J. Pendleton [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2013 07:37
To: Bertrand Alain Gregor
Subject: RE: Rejected email


Hi Alain.


I apologize for the rejection. I have added psi.ch to our whitelist so I don’t think this will happen again. Please reply to make sure.


Thanks for the response on the C# issue. I will try double[] this weekend.





From: Alain Bertrand [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2013 11:42 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Rejected email



My mail have been rejected by your system. Sure thing it wasn't a spam:


Hi Christopher,

You should be able to work with floats indeed. However it could be that I didn't tested it correctly. I will do some trials next week and let you know. In the mean time, can you please try to grab it as double[] instead of float[] and see if it works?


Alain Bertrand

On 11/22/2013 4:10 PM, Christopher J. Pendleton wrote:

Hello. Let me start by saying that I started using EPICS to interface to our
company's devices (http://ptcusa.com/) earlier this year and it has been a
pleasure to work with. You guys are doing great work and I hope I can
contribute to the cause.

One of my colleagues is a big fan of C#, so I pointed him to the EpicsSharp
library. I started using it to help him sort through some issues he was
having. The major one I am seeing is with float arrays (arrays in general?)
while using the MonitorChanged event.


I have a channel access server running, serving up a float array PV. Both
Python (PyEpics) and LabVIEW (CA Lab) client interfaces see this PV and
recognize it as a float array. No problems here. When I use EpicsSharp, I
can get the float array by using the synchronous call Get<float[]>() on the
channel object. Also no problems here. I see unexpected behavior when I use
the MonitorChanged event. My code:

     static class Program
         static void Main()
             EpicsClient client = new EpicsClient();
             EpicsChannel<float[]> record =
             record.MonitorChanged += new

         static void record_MonitorChanged(EpicsChannel<float[]> sender,
float[] newValue)

I would expect to see an event fire into my handler, but I don't. What I do
see is an exception in my console window:

System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not
present i
n the dictionary.
    at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
    at PSI.EpicsClient2.EpicsChannel`1.<Disconnect>b__3(EpicsChannel action)
in D
:\Projects\epicsC#\client\EpicsGenericChannel.cs:line 99

I dug into the client library code and found that the exception was
happening in EpicsGenericChannel.cs, line 99.

p.DataType = (ushort) TypeHandling.Lookup[typeof (TType)];

typeof (TType) evaluates to Single[], which isn't in TypeHandling
Dictionary, so an exception is thrown.

Do you expect this behavior? Is there a problem in my client program code? I
found another example on techtalk by Alain Bertrand
(http://www.aps.anl.gov/epics/tech-talk/2011/msg01584.php) that shows almost
the same code with an int[], so I am a little lost. Thanks in advance for
your help!


Christopher J. Pendleton
Director, Software Development
Pyramid Technical Consultants, Inc.
Office: +1 781-402-1700 x114
Cell: +1 781-249-3031



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