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Subject: Only integer value from CAEN VME protocol
From: Christopher Wells Heidt <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 27 May 2015 16:49:06 +0100
I'm relatively new to epics and writing protocols, so please forgive
me if I muddle up my terminology.

I'm trying to communicate with a CAEN VME8100 over a network.  I
would like to be able to read out the various channels and write
them into epics to be displayed in an edl panel. I have most of
this done, however, I am only reading out integer values.  So for
example, rather than reading the voltage as 5.23 V I am readding 5 V.
It appears that this is not a rounding error, instead I am only
reading the first digit of the output.

My protocol calling in the voltage looks something like:

readVMON0 {
    out "$CMD:MON,CH:0,PAR:VMON";
    in  "#CMD:OK,VAL:%(PV_NAME.RVAL)f";

I have a header to the protocol file:

interminator = "\r\n";
outterminator = "\n";
replytimout = 2000;
separator   = "";

Finally I have the PV in the IOC database as:

record(ai, "PV_NAME") {
    field(SCAN,"10 second")
    field(INP,"@CAEN.protocol readVMON0 VMEport 0")

where VMEport is defined in st.cmd and holds the network address of
the device.  I have no idea what the trailing zero is... it came that

Testing this earlier I put a space between the PV name and type so
that the "in" line in the protocol file looked like:

in  "#CMD:OK,VAL:%(PV_NAME.RVAL) f";

and got an error:

PV_NAME: Input "11.98" does not match format % f

so at some point I must be reading in the whole thing..

Thanks for taking a look

Re: Only integer value from CAEN VME protocol Eric Norum

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