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Subject: RE: store data to hard disk
From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2015 13:32:02 +0000

If you’re only capturing a small amount of data then you can run camonitor on all of the PVs you’re intereseted and send its output to a file.  The cleanest way to write this would be:


1.       Prepare a file containing a list of all of the PVs you want to capture, put one PV per line for convenience.  Let’s call this file pv-list.

2.       Run this command to check it works:

camonitor $(cat pv-list)

Hit ctrl-C to interrupt.

3.       Repeat step 3 until all the PVs work!

4.       Finally do your data capture with this command:

camonitor $(cat pv-list) >experiment-log

Again, interrupt with ctrl-C when your experiment is over.


This is a bit crude, but if you have EPICS working it’s quick and easy.



From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of l123173
Sent: 08 September 2015 10:34
To: [email protected]
Subject: store data to hard disk


Hi everyone,
    I have been racking my brains, please do me a favor. Thank you!
    My purpose:  I have to store all the “motor positon“ and “detector reading“ during experiment to hard disk. (I could read them out, could not store them.)
    My quesiton:  Could you pleaese tell me a way about how to achieve it, except the CSS compile.

    I am not good at eclipse and java, about how to complie the CSS source code. Though I spent several weeks, endless error.
    So I do think it is not suit for me.
    I use Scientific  linux6, epics, CSS 4.1.0 SNS Office

Thank you so much,
Li, xing





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store data to hard disk l123173

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