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Subject: Nozzle Exchange Command Error...
From: mujin park <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2015 22:06:22 +0900

i'm in trouble with Nozzle Exchange Device..

@writetimeout { disconnect; }
@replytimeout { disconnect; }
@readtimeout  { disconnect; }
@mismatch     { disconnect; }

ReplyTimeout = 1200;
#InTerminator = 92 114 92 110;
InTerminator = "\r\n";
OutTerminator = "\r\n";
#OutTerminator = 92 114 92 110;
# Measure current
GetRemoteSta {
    out "!50SWS";
    #out 33 53 48 83 87 83 92 114;
    #out 33 53 48 83 87 83 67 114;

    in "?50%1d";
    #in 63 53 48 37 49 100 92 114;
    ExtraInput = Ignore;

# Reading
record(bi, "$(P)$(D):GetRemoteSta")
    field(DESC, "Local/Remote Status")
    field(DTYP, "stream")
    field(INP,  "@devNozzleExchange.proto GetRemoteSta $(PORT) $(A)")
    field(ZNAM, "Local")
    field(ONAM, "Remote")
    field(SCAN, ".2 second")
    field(FLNK, "$(P)$(D):GetCryoSolSta")
ioc console....
2015/12/28 21:38:31.714 write 8
2015/12/28 21:38:31.915 read 6
2015/12/28 21:38:31.915 MX1_9 BL5C:NOZZLE:GetRemoteSta: Input "ER=1" mismatch after 0 bytes
2015/12/28 21:38:31.916 MX1_9 BL5C:NOZZLE:GetRemoteSta: got "ER=1" where "?50" was expected
Nozzle Device Description
-Local/Remote Switch status request
 state request = "! + 50 + SWS +Cr/Lf"
 return state = "? + 50 + x1 + Cr/Lf" ( 6 bite ascii receive)
 x1 = 0 : Local , x1 = 1 : Remote

i think the send command is wrong.

i want to send ascii code(convert  out "!50SWS" to ascii code)

how can i do it?

is it  .proto function?

is it  another solution?

RE: Nozzle Exchange Command Error... Mark Rivers

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