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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Motor Module, Deferred Movement, .VAL field set to .RBV after motion
From: Jacob DeFilippis <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2016 11:32:48 -0700
I am working on implementing a multiple axis synchronized motion using the motor module's asynController base class (model 3). The move function is set up such that it stores the .VAL to variables inside the physical controller when the deferredMove flag is 1, and when there is a transition from 1-> 0 on the flag I issue the controller command that moves the motors synchronously to the commanded target.

My problem is when the move completes the .VAL field is set to the .RBV field. This happens when the .DMOV is returned to 1. I tracked down the cause, which is found in motorRecord.cc in function postProcess(motorRecord * pmr) line 762 (In the github repo). It executes "pmr->val = pmr->rbv" . I am unsure why this postprocess is occurring. Is there anything extra I should implement in my function that issues synchronized motion? or possibly something extra in the polling function. Is this because the RTRY field is set to 0?

An example of the bad behavior:
SMOTOR:AXIS:1.VAL                 2016-06-29 11:05:24.259733 4
SMOTOR:AXIS:1.DMOV            2016-06-29 11:05:24.474977 1
SMOTOR:AXIS:1.RBV                2016-06-29 11:05:27.892752 3.0181
SMOTOR:AXIS:1.DMOV            2016-06-29 11:05:27.892752 0
SMOTOR:AXIS:1.RBV                2016-06-29 11:05:30.090092 3.4665
SMOTOR:AXIS:1.RBV                2016-06-29 11:05:32.287451 3.9155
SMOTOR:AXIS:1.RBV                2016-06-29 11:05:34.484984 3.9993
SMOTOR:AXIS:1.VAL 2016-06-29 11:05:34.484984 3.9993 <--My problem
SMOTOR:AXIS:1.DMOV            2016-06-29 11:05:34.484984 1

My motor record
record(motor, "$(P):$(M):$(ADDR)") {
  field(SCAN, "Passive")
  field(DTYP, "asynMotor")
  field(DISS, "NO_ALARM")
  field(DIR, "$(DIR)")
  field(VELO, "$(VELO)")
  field(VBAS, "$(VBAS)")
  field(VMAX, "$(VMAX)")
  field(URIP, "No")
  field(PREC, "4")
  field(EGU, "mm")
  field(MRES, "$(MRES)")
  field(OUT, "@asyn($(PORT),$(ADDR))")
  field(TWV, ".1")
  field(ASG, "MC_MAINT")
  field(FOFF, "Frozen")
  field(PRIO, "HIGH")
  field(OMSL, "closed_loop")
  field(RTRY, "0")

My function that triggers synchronized motion
asynStatus Axis::processDeferredMoves()
  asynStatus status;

  /*resets controller flag*/
   status = resetFlags();
   if(status) goto skip;

  /*sends command to start synchronized motion*/
   status = pC_->writeController();

   setIntegerParam(pC_->motorStatusDone_, 0);
   setIntegerParam(pC_->motorStatusCommsError_, status ? 1:0);
   return asynSuccess;

Thanks in advance,

Re: Motor Module, Deferred Movement, .VAL field set to .RBV after motion Ron Sluiter

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