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Subject: aravisGigE jumbo frame support
From: Hinxx <[email protected]>
To: EPICS Tech-Talk <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 10:48:38 +0200
Hi all,

I'm trying to set MTU to 9000 (jumbo frames) when using Basler acA2000 GigE camera with aravigGigE AD module in GIT.

Under Linux I've set network MTU to 9000. Then I used the arv-tool-0.4 tool to set the camera MTU to 9000.

hinkokocevar@hinkocmbp:~$ arv-tool-0.4 control GevSCPSPacketSize
GevSCPSPacketSize = 1500 (min:220;max:16404)
hinkokocevar@hinkocmbp:~$ arv-tool-0.4 control GevSCPSPacketSize=9000
GevSCPSPacketSize = 9000 (min:220;max:16404)
hinkokocevar@hinkocmbp:~$ arv-tool-0.4 control GevSCPSPacketSize
GevSCPSPacketSize = 9000 (min:220;max:16404)

I can acquire images using arv-camera-test from the aravis package and the output suggests that MTU 9000 is respected:

hinkokocevar@hinkocmbp:~$ arv-camera-test
Looking for the first available camera

(lt-arv-camera-test:13489): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: g_inet_address_new_from_string: assertion 'string != NULL' failed
vendor name           = Basler
model name            = acA2000-50gmNIR
device id             = 21729661
image width           = 2048
image height          = 1080
horizontal binning    = 1
vertical binning      = 1
payload               = 2211840 bytes
exposure              = 0 µs
gain                  = 36 dB
gv n_stream channels  = 1
gv current channel    = 0
gv packet delay       = 0 ns
gv packet size        = 9000 bytes
Frame rate = 40 Hz
Frame rate = 24 Hz
Frame rate = 24 Hz
Frame rate = 24 Hz
Frame rate = 25 Hz

Under aravisGigE I'm using generated feature OPI to access the 13ARV1:cam1:GevSCPSPacketSiz PV that initially holds 1500. Setting it to 9000 works, and I can confirm with arv-tool-0.4 at this point that camera is using MTU 9000.

When stating the acquisition IOC console is flooded with messages:

Bad frame status: 2 size: 2211840
Bad frame status: 2 size: 2211840
Bad frame status: 2 size: 2211840
Bad frame status: 2 size: 2211840
Bad frame status: 2 size: 2211840
Bad frame status: 2 size: 2211840

Any hints on what might be the problem?

Thank you,


RE: aravisGigE jumbo frame support tom.cobb

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