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Subject: Error with RTEMS on MVME5500
From: "भावना नितिन मेढ़" <[email protected]>
To: "epicsmail" <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2016 14:50:41 +0530

I am using EPICS base built on Centos6.5 with RTEMS version 4.9.1
The command below works ok.
tftpget -c100.100.100.101 -s100.100.100.110 -g100.100.100.110
-d/dev/enet0-a04000000 -f/rt_test3/bin/RTEMS-mvme5500/test.boot

I am getting following error while trying to load EPICS IOC for RTEMS on
MVME5500> go -a04000000
Welcome to rtems-4.9.2(PowerPC/Generic (classic FPU)/mvme5500) on
Now BSP_mem_size = 0x1FE00000
rtems_configuration_get_work_space_size() = 1F4000
Universe II PCI-VME bridge detected at 0x82000000, IRQ 12
Universe Master Ports:
Port  VME-Addr   Size       PCI-Adrs   Mode:
0:    0x20000000 0x0E000000 0x90000000 A32, D64 [MBLT], Dat, Sup
1:    0x00000000 0x00FF0000 0x9F000000 A24, D64 [MBLT], Dat, Sup
2:    0x00000000 0x00010000 0x9FFF0000 A16, D64, Dat, Sup
Universe Slave Ports:
Port  VME-Addr   Size       PCI-Adrs   Mode:
0:    0x90000000 0x1FE00000 0x00000000 A32, Pgm, Dat, Sup, Usr, PWEN, PREN
Overriding main IRQ line PCI info with 76
Registering /dev/console as minor 0 (==/dev/ttyS0)

***** Initializing network *****

Ethernet driver name wmG unit 1
Copyright (c) 2004,2005 S. Kate Feng <[email protected]> (RTEMS/mvme5500 port)
***** Initializing NFS *****
RTEMS-RPCIOD $Release$, Till Straumann, Stanford/SLAC/SSRL 2002, See
RTEMS-NFS $Release$, Till Straumann, Stanford/SLAC/SSRL 2002, See LICENSE
file .
Trying to mount on /tftpboot/rt_test3
RPCIO: server '' not responding - still trying
RPCIO: server '' not responding - still trying
RPCIO: server '' not responding - still trying
Unable to contact NFS server - invalid port? (RPC: Timed out)
nfsMount - mount: Unknown protocol
rtems_bsdnet_get_ntp() Can't send: Host is down
rtems_bsdnet_get_ntp() Can't send: Host is down
***** Starting EPICS application *****
Can't set initial directory(/tftpboot/rt_test3/iocBoot/ioctest/): No such
file y
Can't set initial directory():

fatal error, exiting

Printing a stack trace for your convenience :-)

0x00128D84--> 0x00118204--> 0x001181D0--> 0x00003254
RTEMS terminated; Boot manually or turn on AUTO_BOOT.

I have set following variables.

MVME5500> gevshow
Total Number of GE Variables =10, Bytes Utilized =395, Bytes Free =3197

Please suggest.


Re: Error with RTEMS on MVME5500 Heinz Junkes

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