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Subject: Force TCP/IP reconnect from Asyn/Streamdevice
From: Christoph Schroeder <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2017 10:21:24 +0200
Hi all,

I am currently struggling with a TCP/IP controlled device that has
problems with it's network stack or it's server implementation. After
some spurious retransmissions, which occurs several hours after the
connection was established, the device gives up and sends a TCP reset.
No communication after this point.

I am looking for a feasible workaround until the manufacturer can fix
this problem. Is there any way to force a reconnect of the TCP/IP
connection from Streamdevice context which I am currently using or at
least from Asyn? I would like to do this from software side without
rebooting the IOC e.g. with a cronjob.

Note: the connection still counts as "established" as shown by netstat
after the reset was received which is the reason why the autoconnect
option of drvAsynIPPortConfigure doesn't work in this case.

Thanks and best regards,



Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH

Mitglied der Hermann von Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren e.V.

Aufsichtsrat: Vorsitzender Dr. Karl Eugen Huthmacher, stv. Vorsitzende Dr. Jutta Koch-Unterseher
Geschäftsführung: Prof. Dr. Bernd Rech (kommissarisch), Thomas Frederking

Sitz Berlin, AG Charlottenburg, 89 HRB 5583

Hahn-Meitner-Platz 1
D-14109 Berlin


Re: Force TCP/IP reconnect from Asyn/Streamdevice Torsten Bögershausen

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