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Subject: Re: APS EPICS Website Moved
From: Mark Davis <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2017 12:28:20 -0500
Regarding the old vs new URLs:

I tried to download the latest version of the asyn driver from this page:

Which uses the old URL: 

Which resulted in this error:

You don't have permission to access /epics/download/modules/asyn4-32.tar.gz on this server.

But the link from this page:

uses the newer URL:

Which worked just fine.

Mark Davis
NSCL/FRIB Control Systems Software Engineer
[email protected]
On 12/19/2017 10:14 PM, Johnson, Andrew N. wrote:
The APS is reorganizing it’s main web presence, and as a result the EPICS website now has its own server at a new and simpler URL. Redirects are in place from the old site which are supposed to indicate that this move is permanent (in theory this allows browsers to update your bookmarks automatically), but there will be many places where links will need to be updated. Three things have changed:

1. All pages are now encrypted, so the URL scheme is https: for all pages
2. The hostname is now epics.anl.gov (no www or aps parts)
3. The leading /epics in the link path is no longer needed (but may be included).

Thus our home-page is now https://epics.anl.gov/

I have adjusted many of the internal links which weren’t already relative, but there will probably be many more I have yet to come across. Because the old URL has been published in many documents over the years I have asked for the redirect to be kept in place permanently, but I do want to correct as many links as I can over time.

Those of you with colleagues who follow our mailing lists using RSS please advise them that they may need to adjust their feed readers, although it looks like Feedly has adjusted some of my feeds automatically (this email is also a test of the new archiver configuration). Moving the list archives has not been fully completed yet, and it may take Google a few days to index the site properly, so to paraphrase many Geocities sites from the early days of the web, please pardon our dust!

- Andrew

PS: This move is completely unrelated to the EPICS 7 community website which is still being developed and is planned to eventually take over many of the functions currently performed by the APS site.

Re: APS EPICS Website Moved Pete Jemian
Re: APS EPICS Website Moved Andrew Johnson
APS EPICS Website Moved Johnson, Andrew N.

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