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Subject: RE: How to work with motor record position counts larger than 2147483648?
From: Mark Rivers <[email protected]>
To: "'Sobhani, Bayan'" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2018 23:02:45 +0000

Hi Alex,


The problem is that the RRBV field in the motor record is a 32-bit integer:


This is from motorRecord.dbd:


        field(RRBV,DBF_LONG) {

                prompt("Raw Readback Value")




The motor driver reads back the theoretical and encoder positions as doubles, but then they is converted to 32-bit integers in devMotorAsyn.c to be compatible with the fields in the record.


    if ( pPvt->needUpdate )


        epicsInt32 rawvalue;


        rawvalue = (epicsInt32)floor(pPvt->status.position + 0.5);

        if (pmr->rmp != rawvalue)


            pmr->rmp = rawvalue;

            db_post_events(pmr, &pmr->rmp, DBE_VAL_LOG);



        rawvalue = (epicsInt32)floor(pPvt->status.encoderPosition + 0.5);

        if (pmr->rep != rawvalue)


            pmr->rep = rawvalue;

            db_post_events(pmr, &pmr->rep, DBE_VAL_LOG);







From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Sobhani, Bayan
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2018 4:20 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: How to work with motor record position counts larger than 2147483648?


I am working on adapting the SmarAct MCS motor record driver for the MCS2, which seems to record its position in picometers unlike the MCS’s nanometers.


I have the following code in my polling function:


Int64_t val = getp(0); //Gets position of channel 0 positioner

printf(“%f\n”,(double) val); //prints -6000093133.000000




return asynSuccess;


But when I look at the motor record, the RRBV is shown as -2147483648. I looked at asynMotorController.cpp and saw the line:


createParam(motorEncoderPositionString,        asynParamFloat64,    &motorEncoderPosition_);


Shouldn’t this mean I can write 64-bit floating point values to motorEncoderPosition_ (i.e. larger than 2147483648)? How should I go about working with position counts larger than 2147483648?



Re: How to work with motor record position counts larger than 2147483648? Torsten Bögershausen
How to work with motor record position counts larger than 2147483648? Sobhani, Bayan

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