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Subject: Idea for new Display Manager
From: "Whitney R. Armstrong" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2018 11:53:08 -0600

My recent experience with display managers left me with the conclusion that a new DM is desperately needed. Here is a quick recap of my experiences and thoughts dealing with the different display managers. Note I am using the latest Ubuntu and Epics base-7 and my comments are tongue-in-cheek.

1. MEDM : It works! This old gem works (almost) perfectly. It has a very easy to use interface, but of course, is rather limited.

2. edm : Where do I download it? The webpage is broken. (Last documentation update was in 2007: is also not a good sign.) 3. caQtDM: A home rolled build system is never a good sign. It compiles but then crashes when launched. I get a horrible hand cramp trying to debug things because who types "caQtDM" with ease? Does it work... I don't know... maybe?

4. CS-studios: First I follow the instructions on the website: fails. Eclipse cannot install all the needed parts. Next I try running maven to build from the core directory. After maven downloads the entire internet the build fails with some horrible java errors. (Why is java still a thing?) CSS looks nice from all the pictures but it has some bugs (or undocumented features).

Anyway, if I missed any DMs please let me know. As you can tell, IMO MEDM is still the winner.

The idea for a new display manager is to use an "immediate mode" gui (imgui) design which is much easier than "retain mode" like qt, gtk, etc. I have been playing around with Dear ImGui (https://github.com/ocornut/imgui) which has become quite popular. A test using ImGui and looks for PVs from the example ioc app can be found here https://github.com/whit2333/imgui_DM .

My initial take away: It was easier to develop my own DM than build most of the existing display mangers. I am not sure if this speaks to the awesomeness of Dear ImGui, or the sad state of existing DMs (but not you MEDM, you are my rock).

In summary, I would like to develop a new display manager around Dear ImGui and any feedback or comments on the idea would be great.


PS This repo was super useful (https://github.com/mdavidsaver/cmake4epics) and cmake could make life easier by replacing many parts of the -- let's say, unique -- "Epics build system".

Re: Idea for new Display Manager D Peter Siddons
Re: Idea for new Display Manager Hugo Slepicka
RE: Idea for new Display Manager Mark Rivers
Re: Idea for new Display Manager Mooney, Tim M.
Re: Idea for new Display Manager Wang Xiaoqiang (PSI)

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