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Subject: Re: Smaract MCS2 Motor Record
From: Pete Jemian <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 11 May 2018 17:26:20 -0500
That just needs to be a wiki page.


On 05/11/2018 05:19 PM, Pete Jemian wrote:
Visit the motor record on GitHub

Fork the master branch to your GitHub account (you'll need one of those).  Press the "Fork" widget in upper right of web screen.

... so far, real easy ...

hard part: develop the actual support
harder part: testing the support would be a big bonus

Copy your support code into appropriate places, such as inside the motorApp directory, there are a variety of AaaaaaaSrc where Aaaaaaa is the name of support dir.  If you make a new AaaaaaaSrc directory, try to follow the patterns you see.

Remember to copy in any databases, stream protocols, autosave request files, GUI screens, or other support into appropriate places.

... easy steps remain ...

Commit your changes to git and push back to your GitHub account.

On your GitHub, initiate a Pull Request (PR).  That starts the discussion about how to finish this up before it gets merged into the motor record for general distribution.

One important aspect of this, especially if you think you lack caliber, is to get to that PR step so a discussion can start about *your code*. Changes, improvements, etc. can be committed throughout this discussion step.  So, if you only have .c and .h files, commit them and start the PR, we can discuss what remains to be done.

 Pete R. Jemian, Ph.D.                <[email protected]>
 Beam line Controls and Data Acquisition, Group Leader
 Advanced Photon Source,   Argonne National Laboratory
 Argonne, IL  60439                   630 - 252 - 3189
    Education is the one thing for which people
       are willing to pay yet not receive.

Smaract MCS2 Motor Record Lentz, Zachary L
RE: Smaract MCS2 Motor Record Sobhani, Bayan
Re: Smaract MCS2 Motor Record Lentz, Zachary L
RE: Smaract MCS2 Motor Record Sobhani, Bayan
Re: Smaract MCS2 Motor Record Pete Jemian

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