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Subject: EPICS/RTEMS tracing and scheduler monitoring
From: Ricardo Cardenes <[email protected]>
To: Talk EPICS Tech <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2018 16:22:54 -1000
Hi all,

Trying to get some insight on some weird behavior that we've seen in one of our systems, I looked around for some tools that could help us better understand the low-level system behavior, down to the task scheduler.

[Context note: we're using RTEMS 4.10.2 on EPICS 3.14.12.x]

On the RTEMS side I've found the Capture Engine (but this I found too late, and I was already working on my own extension - I may migrate my code to make use of CAPE at a later point), but when it comes to the EPICS level, I haven't been able to find anything similar. For example, I haven't found a way to figure out what record on a periodic scan list is being processed at an arbitrary point in time, as all the info seems to be private to db/dbScan.c. Correct me if I'm wrong (I'm quite a beginner when it comes to EPICS), but EPICS does not seem to be instrumented for this kind of debugging, not on version 3.x, nor on version 7.x. Please feel free to point me to the right documentation/examples otherwise.

I've started working on a support module to extract this kind of information[1] (don't be fooled by its name, it's a tracing tool - the module started as something else I still haven't come to rename it), and I have a few questions:
[1] https://github.com/gemini-rtsw/rtemsStats


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