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Subject: asynDriver - UDP server
From: Joao Afonso via Tech-talk <[email protected]>
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2018 17:27:00 +0000

First, sorry if any of these questions seems too simple. I started working recently with EPICS and I am still learning how it works.

Basically, I am trying to create an IOC that works as a UDP server. It should be listening at a certain port and, when a new packet arrives, it should update a set of records with the incoming data.
It doesn't need to respond to any of the packets.

The data is a binary array, which will be read into a waveform record, and then unpacked into other records in order to be read by the clients (I don't know if this is the best approach, for now I am just experimenting). The structure of the binary array is fixed and known beforehand.

For now, I just want to update the waveform record with the binary data when the UDP packet arrives. I am using asynDriver since it seems to provide all the tools I need:

On the 'st.cmd' file I have:

drvAsynIPServerPortConfigure ("fgc_udp", "localhost:2906 udp", 10, 0, 0, 0)

And on the 'db/fgc_udp.db' I have:

record(waveform, "$(GW)UDP") {
     field(SCAN, "I/O Intr")
     field(DTYP, "asynOctetRead")
     field(FTVL, "UCHAR")
     field(DESC, "UDP publication")
     field(NELM, "4096")
     field(INP,  "@asyn(fgc_udp, 0, 0) drvUser")

Since I am using 'I/O Intr', I would expect the record to be updated when a new UDP packet arrives, but it is not working.
It only updates if I use the IOC shell command "dbtr xxx:UDP", or if I change SCAN to a "N seconds" option.

Do you know how I can fix it? I guess it is something simple, but I am stuck.

I would also like to know if using a waveform record is a good starting point for unpacking binary data, or if there is a better alternative.

Thank you in advance,

RE: asynDriver - UDP server Mark Rivers via Tech-talk

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