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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Re: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface
From: "Bradnick, Ben \(Tessella, RAL, TEC\) via Tech-talk" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>, "'Sintschuk, Michael'" <michael.sintschuk at bam.de>, "'Ivashkevych, Oksana'" <oksana at bnl.gov>
Cc: 'tech-talk' <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2020 08:06:11 +0000
Hi Mark, Michael,

There is some overhead each time when starting a new acquisition. However, there is the support in the driver that Mark mentions below regarding software triggering mode.

You can "Arm" the detector using $(P)$(R)ARM_MODE - this will use the current acquisition parameters and then the camera will be ready for multiple sets of software triggers, e.g:
  • Set trigger mode to "Soft"
  • Set image mode to "Multiple"
  • Set number of images to "5"
  • Then arm the detector using ARM_MODE - this will set up the camera based on the current parameters in the driver
  • When the DetectorState changes to "Readout" then it is ready for the first soft trigger. Each time you start an acquisition it will (in this case) take 5 images at the set exposure time. Afterwards the State will say "Idle" after each set of software acquisitions are complete
  • Disarm the ARM_MODE when finished (will allow you to change acquisition parameters)
To also speed up the readout you can check the pixel rate is set to the fastest readout (at the expense of more noise) - $(P)$(R)PIX_RATE - our 4000 has 8MHz and 32MHz. For a 1s acquisition this means it takes (for us using CameraLink):
  • 1.8725s per frame with 8MHz pixel clock
  • 1.35s per frame with 32MHz pixel clock
Our PCO 4000 is noticeably slower than our Edge models.

Kind regards,

From: Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>
Sent: 08 June 2020 15:28
To: 'Sintschuk, Michael' <michael.sintschuk at bam.de>; Bradnick, Ben (Tessella,RAL,TEC) <ben.bradnick at diamond.ac.uk>; 'Ivashkevych, Oksana' <oksana at bnl.gov>
Cc: 'tech-talk' <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Subject: RE: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface
Hi Michael,

I see that Continuous mode also has an additional 0.7 seconds of overhead between when the Acquire PV goes to 1 (Acquire) and when the first image arrives.  Subsequent images don't have this overhead in Continuous mode.  That 0.7 second overhead is the same as the overhead for each image in Single mode.  This may just be a feature of their SDK or hardware.

Some SDKs allow you to use a "Software trigger" mode.  In that mode you can set the camera to Multiple or Continuous mode and start Acquire once.  You then do a "software trigger" for each subsequent image, which has very little overhead compared to starting acquisition.  I don't know if the PCO SDK supports this or not.

> How can I see what function the PV "PCO4000:cam1:Acquire" in Pco.cpp actually starts? It is not the function " Pco::doArm() " isn't it?

The logic is a bit hard to follow because it is implemented through the StateMachine class.  But I think this is what happens:

Line 163 configures calling the onAcquire method when ADAcquire changes:
, paramADAcquire(ADDriverEx::paramADAcquire, new AsynParam::Notify<Pco>(this, &Pco::onAcquire))

The onAcquire method calls Pco::post for requestAcquire when ADAcquire is 1 in line 1579:
void Pco::onAcquire(TakeLock& takeLock)
        // Start an acquisition

Pco::post calls StateMachine::post  in line 1691:
void Pco::post(const StateMachine::Event* req)

Line 290 in StateMachine.cpp causes Pco::smArmAndAcquire to be called on a transition from stateIdle:
        stateMachine->transition(stateIdle, requestAcquire, new StateMachine::Act<Pco>(this, &Pco::smArmAndAcquire), stateUnarmedAcquiring, stateIdle);

pco::smArmAndAcquire arms the camera with doArm().  It then waits to acquire a lock with TakeLock, waiting for the arm to be complete.  It then calls startCamera(). It starts on line 579:

StateMachine::StateSelector Pco::smArmAndAcquire()
        StateMachine::StateSelector result;
                        // Sometimes the arm fails in a way that is fixed by the clean up.
                        // This especially happens on the way back from a hardware ROI.
                        // So we disarm and try once more if that happens.
        result = StateMachine::firstState;
                        TakeLock takeLock(this);
                        paramArmComplete = 1;

If you add some asynPrint statements to this code with ASYN_TRACEIO_DRIVER you will then be able to see how long each step in this function is taking.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sintschuk, Michael <michael.sintschuk at bam.de>
Sent: Monday, June 8, 2020 6:51 AM
To: Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>; Bradnick, Ben (Tessella,RAL,TEC) <ben.bradnick at diamond.ac.uk>; 'Ivashkevych, Oksana' <oksana at bnl.gov>
Cc: 'tech-talk' <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Subject: AW: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface

Hi Mark,

I changed
        this->acquisitionPeriod = this->exposureTime + delayTime;
        this->acquisitionPeriod = delayTime;

and now the Acquire period stays at 0 seconds.
But still there is the problem with, that it takes the camera more time to collect an image in single mode than in the continuous mode. This pco1600, that is connected via GigE, has the same behavior, again 2s exposure time:

# 3 images in single mode
PCO1600:cam1:Acquire                     (2020-06-04 16:00:17.085739) Acquire 
PCO1600:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV    (2020-06-04 16:00:19.872764) 5 
PCO1600:cam1:Acquire                     (2020-06-04 16:00:19.872807) Done 
PCO1600:cam1:Acquire                     (2020-06-04 16:00:22.124858) Acquire 
PCO1600:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV    (2020-06-04 16:00:24.889383) 6 
PCO1600:cam1:Acquire                     (2020-06-04 16:00:24.889428) Done 
PCO1600:cam1:Acquire                     (2020-06-04 16:00:33.253440) Acquire 
PCO1600:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV    (2020-06-04 16:00:36.026271) 7 
PCO1600:cam1:Acquire                     (2020-06-04 16:00:36.026314) Done
# 5 images in continuous mode 
PCO1600:cam1:Acquire                     (2020-06-04 16:00:39.970894) Acquire 
PCO1600:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV    (2020-06-04 16:00:42.749067) 8 
PCO1600:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV    (2020-06-04 16:00:44.749181) 9 
PCO1600:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV    (2020-06-04 16:00:46.749848) 10 
PCO1600:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV    (2020-06-04 16:00:48.750276) 11 
PCO1600:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV    (2020-06-04 16:00:50.750451) 12 
PCO1600:cam1:Acquire                     (2020-06-04 16:00:51.716043) Done

The difference to the pco400 is, that the pco1600 needs ~2,7s and not 2s in single mode. So it is less noticeable.
The " suspicious code:" jamming up, that you mentioned, didn't boost the time.

Maybe the single mode uses a different function to acquire images than the continuous mode. For example: in Pco.cpp the is the function:

 * Arm the camera and start acquiring images
 * returns: firstState: success
 *          secondState: failure
StateMachine::StateSelector Pco::smArmAndAcquire()

There are also other functions like " * Start an already armed camera."
How can I see what function the PV "PCO4000:cam1:Acquire" in Pco.cpp actually starts? It is not the function " Pco::doArm() " isn't it?


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 4. Juni 2020 14:11
An: Sintschuk, Michael <michael.sintschuk at bam.de>; Bradnick, Ben (Tessella,RAL,TEC) <ben.bradnick at diamond.ac.uk>; 'Ivashkevych, Oksana' <oksana at bnl.gov>
Cc: 'tech-talk' <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Betreff: Re: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface

Hi Michael,

It does like like there is indeed a problem with the ADPcoWin driver in single mode.  It is actually taking you 5.0 seconds to collect a single frame when AcquireTime is 2 seconds.

I just did the same test as you with the ADSpinnaker driver on a FLIR Blckfly S camera.  It was set for AcquireTime=2, AcquirePeriod=.046.

corvette:~>camonitor 13BMDPG3:cam1:Acquire 13BMDPG3:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV
13BMDPG3:cam1:Acquire          2020-06-04 06:51:23.681225 Done
13BMDPG3:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV 2020-06-04 06:51:23.459137 562

# 2 images in Single mode.  The actual time between Acquire and Done is 2.1 seconds.
13BMDPG3:cam1:Acquire          2020-06-04 06:52:17.095206 Acquire
13BMDPG3:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV 2020-06-04 06:52:19.190731 563
13BMDPG3:cam1:Acquire          2020-06-04 06:52:19.190782 Done
13BMDPG3:cam1:Acquire          2020-06-04 06:52:20.499442 Acquire
13BMDPG3:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV 2020-06-04 06:52:22.594152 564
13BMDPG3:cam1:Acquire          2020-06-04 06:52:22.594203 Done

# 6 images in Continuous mode. The time between images is 2.0 seconds.
13BMDPG3:cam1:Acquire          2020-06-04 06:52:35.625021 Acquire
13BMDPG3:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV 2020-06-04 06:52:37.693152 565
13BMDPG3:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV 2020-06-04 06:52:39.693106 566
13BMDPG3:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV 2020-06-04 06:52:41.690151 567
13BMDPG3:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV 2020-06-04 06:52:43.693012 568
13BMDPG3:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV 2020-06-04 06:52:45.695102 569
13BMDPG3:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV 2020-06-04 06:52:47.690565 570

So the ADSpinnaker driver does not have this problem.

I took a quick look at the Pco.cpp driver.  I see a couple of places to check.

The function Pco::cfgAcquisitionTimes() computes a delay time based on AcquirePeriod.  It then sets the acquisitionPeriod in this line:

    this->acquisitionPeriod = this->exposureTime + delayTime;

It has no debugging lines, so you should add some to see what delay time, etc. it is actually using.

There is also this suspicious code:

// Should we use the special PCO4000 poll mode to avoid the wierdo FIFO
// jamming up problem?
this->useGetFrames = this->camType.camType == DllApi::cameraType4000 &&
this->storageMode == DllApi::storageModeFifoBuffer &&
this->acquisitionPeriod >= 0.1 &&
(this->triggerMode == DllApi::triggerExternal || this->triggerMode == DllApi::triggerExternalOnly);
// Let's try without.
this->useGetFrames = false;

Note the reference to a "wierdo FIFO jamming up problem?" and the fact that the code to test for it is not used, the variable is overridded to be "false".

Since I don't have a PCO camera I can't test or debug this myself.


From: Sintschuk, Michael <michael.sintschuk at bam.de>
Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2020 3:38 AM
To: Mark Rivers; Bradnick, Ben (Tessella,RAL,TEC); 'Ivashkevych, Oksana'
Cc: 'tech-talk'
Subject: AW: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface

Hey Mark,

the AcquirePeriod PV is set to 0:
~> caget PCO4000:cam1:AcquirePeriod
PCO4000:cam1:AcquirePeriod     0

BUT, the AcquirePeriod_RBV is always equal or higher to AcquireTime_RBV:
~> caget PCO4000:cam1:AcquirePeriod_RBV
PCO4000:cam1:AcquirePeriod_RBV   2
 ~> caget PCO4000:cam1:AcquireTime_RBV
PCO4000:cam1:AcquireTime_RBV     2

For example: if I set the AcquireTime to 5, the AcquirePeriod_RBV also goes to 5. When I set the AcquireTime back to 2, the AcquirePeriod_RBV stays at 5. I have to change it manually back to 0 but when the first single image is taken with 2s AcquireTime, AcquirePeriod_RBV goes to 2 automatically.

Here I ran camonitor when taking images in Single and Continuous mode, AcquireTime is set to 2s:

~> camonitor -tc PCO4000:cam1:Acquire PCO4000:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV
PCO4000:cam1:Acquire           (2020-06-04 10:19:02.160615) Done
PCO4000:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV  (2020-06-04 10:19:02.160733) 3
# 2 images in Single mode
PCO4000:cam1:Acquire           (2020-06-04 10:19:06.639108) Acquire
PCO4000:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV  (2020-06-04 10:19:11.675705) 4
PCO4000:cam1:Acquire           (2020-06-04 10:19:11.675750) Done
PCO4000:cam1:Acquire           (2020-06-04 10:19:22.737292) Acquire
PCO4000:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV  (2020-06-04 10:19:27.758605) 5
PCO4000:cam1:Acquire           (2020-06-04 10:19:27.758650) Done
# 6 images in Continuous mode
PCO4000:cam1:Acquire           (2020-06-04 10:20:05.141457) Acquire
PCO4000:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV  (2020-06-04 10:20:10.177179) 6
PCO4000:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV  (2020-06-04 10:20:12.180733) 7
PCO4000:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV  (2020-06-04 10:20:14.183666) 8
PCO4000:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV  (2020-06-04 10:20:16.186806) 9
PCO4000:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV  (2020-06-04 10:20:18.189500) 10
PCO4000:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV  (2020-06-04 10:20:20.192501) 11
PCO4000:cam1:Acquire           (2020-06-04 10:20:20.601658) Done

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 3. Juni 2020 18:30
An: Sintschuk, Michael <michael.sintschuk at bam.de>; Bradnick, Ben (Tessella,RAL,TEC) <ben.bradnick at diamond.ac.uk>; 'Ivashkevych, Oksana' <oksana at bnl.gov>
Cc: 'tech-talk' <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Betreff: Re: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface

Hi Michael,

What time is the AcquirePeriod PV set to?

AcquirePeriod is used to set the time between images in Multiple and Continuous modes. It should have no effect in Single mode, but perhaps there is a bug in this driver.

For debugging you should run camonitor to see when things are happening.  For example:

camonitor -tc PCO4000:cam1:Acquire PCO4000:TIFF1:ArrayCounter_RBV


From: Sintschuk, Michael <michael.sintschuk at bam.de>
Sent: Wednesday, June 3, 2020 10:38 AM
To: Mark Rivers; Bradnick, Ben (Tessella,RAL,TEC); 'Ivashkevych, Oksana'
Cc: 'tech-talk'
Subject: AW: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface

Hi all,

the following question concerns the exposure time and acquire period of Area Detector Control:
I'm using the control panels ADBase.edl and NDFileTiff.edl to acquire images with the pco-Cameras. More precisely the PV: "PCO4000:cam1:Acquire".
Let's say the Exposure time is set to 2s. When I trigger this PV and the Image mode "PCO4000:cam1:ImageMode" is set to Single, it takes ~4s for the Tiff-Image to appear in the ImageJ plugin and on the Harddrive (PCO4000:TIFF1:AutoSave is set to Yes). When the Image mode is set to Continuous, it takes ~2s for the Image to appear. So it is much faster! How can I acquire single images with no acquire period or almost no acquire period, like in the continuous mode?

There is the Trigger mode (ADBase control panel), where I can set Auto, Soft, Ext + Soft, Ext Pulse or Ext Only. The above example is with Trigger mode set to Auto. Do I have to use a different trigger PV when using Ext Pulse for example? Because I don't see any difference when switching the trigger mode. Except for Ext Pulse or Ext Only, in this case nothing happens at all...

Best regards

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Sintschuk, Michael
Gesendet: Dienstag, 2. Juni 2020 09:51
An: 'Mark Rivers' <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>; Bradnick, Ben (Tessella,RAL,TEC) <ben.bradnick at diamond.ac.uk>; 'Ivashkevych, Oksana' <oksana at bnl.gov>
Cc: 'tech-talk' <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Betreff: AW: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface

Hi Ben, hi Mark,

@Ben: I'm not very familiar with GitHub right now but I want to start using it in future. So I will pull the request when I have an Account there.

@Mark: the example I got from pco-support was actually with +2. But somehow that did not work with the bit alignment set to LSB. With MSB, +2 worked fine. With +3 the camera works no matter to what the bit alignment is set to. In the pco-sdk description on page 165:
it looks like the image is shifted inside buffer depending on MSB/LSB setting. So you need a little bit more space... at least this is my simple explanation for that.


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>
Gesendet: Freitag, 29. Mai 2020 18:47
An: Sintschuk, Michael <michael.sintschuk at bam.de>; Bradnick, Ben (Tessella,RAL,TEC) <ben.bradnick at diamond.ac.uk>; 'Ivashkevych, Oksana' <oksana at bnl.gov>
Cc: 'tech-talk' <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Betreff: Re: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface

Hi Michael,

I have a question about this logic:

  int bufferSize = this->xCamSize * this->yCamSize;
  if (paramInterfaceType == DllApi:: fireWire)
     int firewireSize = bufferSize;
     if(firewireSize % 0x1000)           // Force to 4k granularity
       firewireSize = firewireSize / 0x1000 + 3;
       firewireSize *= 0x1000;

Why did you use +3 and not just +1?  Won't +1 always give the next biggest size that is a multiple of 0x1000 (4K)?


From: Sintschuk, Michael <michael.sintschuk at bam.de>
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2020 9:33 AM
To: Mark Rivers; Bradnick, Ben (Tessella,RAL,TEC); 'Ivashkevych, Oksana'
Cc: 'tech-talk'
Subject: AW: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface

Hey again,

so with the help of the pco-Support, the camera also works fine with Firewire. The problem was: firewire needs a buffer-size that is a multiple of 4k. It works with the following changes to the function "allocateImageBuffers" in Pco.cpp:

  // Now allocate the memory and tell the SDK
  int bufferSize = this->xCamSize * this->yCamSize;
  if (paramInterfaceType == DllApi:: fireWire)
     int firewireSize = bufferSize;
     if(firewireSize % 0x1000)           // Force to 4k granularity
       firewireSize = firewireSize / 0x1000 + 3;
       firewireSize *= 0x1000;
       firewireSize += 0x2000;
     bufferSize = firewireSize;        // internal buffer used, so adapt size

Do not out-comment the lines from my last post, this is wrong!

Best Regards

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Sintschuk, Michael
Gesendet: Dienstag, 19. Mai 2020 14:40
An: Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>; Bradnick, Ben (Tessella,RAL,TEC) <ben.bradnick at diamond.ac.uk>; 'Ivashkevych, Oksana' <oksana at bnl.gov>
Cc: 'tech-talk' <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Betreff: AW: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface

Ok, now with out-commenting the following lines, it works without crashing or errors:

  for(int i=0; i<Pco::numApiBuffers; i++)
            //if(this->buffers[i].buffer != NULL)
        //                      _aligned_free(this->buffers[i].buffer);

            // this->buffers[i].buffer = (unsigned short*)_aligned_malloc(bufferSize*sizeof(unsigned short), 0x10000);
            this->buffers[i].buffer = NULL;
            this->buffers[i].bufferNumber = DllApi::bufferUnallocated;
            this->buffers[i].eventHandle = NULL;
            this->api->allocateBuffer(this->camera, &this->buffers[i].bufferNumber,
                    bufferSize * sizeof(short), &this->buffers[i].buffer,
            this->buffers[i].ready = true;

The IOC-process looks good, but I don't know if it is stable for a longer time. Next week we plan to use the camera for a series of measurements, so we will see. Also I didn't tried to run this compilation with the pco.1600 via GigE.

Maybe one of you could tell if the out-commented lines work for every camera-/connection- type. Maybe the best is to make an exceptional query inside the for-loop for the pco.4000 via firewire?

Kind Regards

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Sintschuk, Michael
Gesendet: Dienstag, 19. Mai 2020 11:57
An: 'Mark Rivers' <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>; 'Bradnick, Ben (Tessella,RAL,TEC)' <ben.bradnick at diamond.ac.uk>; 'Ivashkevych, Oksana' <oksana at bnl.gov>
Cc: 'tech-talk' <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Betreff: AW: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface

Hi all,

I have some progress with arming the camera and taking a picture. Unfortunately this works only once. A second arm always results in an IOC-crash.

A former colleague who worked with this camera (not in EPICS) told me not to use _aligned_malloc when allocating memory. So I made the following change in the function allocateImageBuffers in Pco.cpp:

            // this->buffers[i].buffer = (unsigned short*)_aligned_malloc(bufferSize*sizeof(unsigned short), 0x10000);
            this->buffers[i].buffer = NULL;
            this->buffers[i].bufferNumber = DllApi::bufferUnallocated;
            this->buffers[i].eventHandle = NULL;
            this->api->allocateBuffer(this->camera, &this->buffers[i].bufferNumber,
                    bufferSize * sizeof(short), &this->buffers[i].buffer,
            this->buffers[i].ready = true;

With that the camera arms once, but crashes always on the second arm. First arming/acquiring and the last lines of asynTrace are as follows:

2020/05/19 11:21:29.669 [PCO1,-1,173] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:530] [PCO1,00000000027AF1C0,-1] PCO4000:cam1:PERF:ACC:CONNECT devAsynInt32::processCallbackOutput process value 1
2020/05/19 11:21:31.670 [PCO1,-1,151] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:CONNECTED_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:31.670 [PCO1,-1,151] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:CONNECTED_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:41.336 [PCO1,-1,8] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\asynDriver\asynManager.c:1565] [CAS-client,000000000BA28790,20] PCO1 addr -1 queueRequest priority 0 not lockHolder
2020/05/19 11:21:41.336 [PCO1,-1,8] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\asynDriver\asynManager.c:886] [PCO1,00000000027AF1C0,-1] asynManager::portThread port=PCO1 callback
2020/05/19 11:21:41.336 [PCO1,-1,9] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [PCO1,00000000027AF1C0,-1] PCO4000:cam1:AcquireBusyCB devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:41.336 [PCO1,-1,8] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:607] [PCO1,00000000027AF1C0,-1] PCO4000:cam1:Acquire devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackOutput new value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:41.336 [PCO1,-1,8] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [PCO1,00000000027AF1C0,-1] PCO4000:cam1:Acquire_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:41.336 [PCO1,-1,8] [C:\epics\inst-\areaDetector-R3-9\ADCore\ADApp\ADSrc\asynNDArrayDriver.cpp:694] [PCO1,00000000027AF1C0,-1] asynNDArrayDriver:writeInt32: function=8, paramName=ACQUIRE, value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:41.336 [PCO1,-1,8] [C:\epics\inst-\areaDetector-R3-9\ADCore\ADApp\ADSrc\ADDriver.cpp:94] [PCO1,00000000027AF1C0,-1] ADDriver:writeInt32: function=8, paramName=ACQUIRE, value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:41.336 [PCO1,-1,9] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:AcquireBusyCB devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:41.336 [PCO1,-1,8] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:Acquire_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:41.336 [PCO1,-1,8] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:530] [PCO1,00000000027AF1C0,-1] PCO4000:cam1:Acquire devAsynInt32::processCallbackOutput process value 1
2020/05/19 11:21:41.336 [PCO1,-1,8] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:Acquire devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:42.291 [PCO1,-1,174] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:PERF:ACC:ARM_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:42.291 [PCO1,-1,80] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:DetectorState_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=2
2020/05/19 11:21:42.291 [PCO1,-1,174] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:PERF:ACC:ARM_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:42.291 [PCO1,-1,80] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:DetectorState_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=2
2020/05/19 11:21:42.291 [PCO1,-1,78] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynFloat64.c:383] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:AcquirePeriod_RBV devAsynFloat64::interruptCallbackInput new value=1.000000
2020/05/19 11:21:42.291 [PCO1,-1,174] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\asynDriver\asynManager.c:1565] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO1 addr -1 queueRequest priority 0 not lockHolder
2020/05/19 11:21:42.291 [PCO1,-1,78] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynFloat64.c:557] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:AcquirePeriod_RBV devAsynFloat64::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=1.000000
2020/05/19 11:21:42.291 [PCO1,-1,174] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\asynDriver\asynManager.c:886] [PCO1,00000000027AF1C0,-1] asynManager::portThread port=PCO1 callback
2020/05/19 11:21:42.291 [PCO1,-1,110] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:HWBINX_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:42.292 [PCO1,-1,111] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:HWBINY_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:42.292 [PCO1,-1,110] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:HWBINX_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:42.292 [PCO1,-1,111] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:HWBINY_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:42.292 [PCO1,-1,112] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:HWROIX1_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:42.292 [PCO1,-1,113] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:HWROIY1_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:42.292 [PCO1,-1,114] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:HWROIX2_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=4008
2020/05/19 11:21:42.292 [PCO1,-1,115] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:HWROIY2_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=2672
2020/05/19 11:21:42.292 [PCO1,-1,112] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:HWROIX1_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:42.292 [PCO1,-1,113] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:HWROIY1_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:42.292 [PCO1,-1,116] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:XCAMSIZE_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=4008
2020/05/19 11:21:42.292 [PCO1,-1,117] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:YCAMSIZE_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=2672
2020/05/19 11:21:42.292 [PCO1,-1,114] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:HWROIX2_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=4008
2020/05/19 11:21:42.292 [PCO1,-1,115] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:HWROIY2_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=2672
2020/05/19 11:21:42.292 [PCO1,-1,116] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:XCAMSIZE_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=4008
2020/05/19 11:21:42.292 [PCO1,-1,117] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:YCAMSIZE_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=2672
2020/05/19 11:21:42.293 [PCO1,-1,150] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:ARM_COMPLETE devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:42.293 [PCO1,-1,175] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:PERF:ACC:START_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:42.293 [PCO1,-1,150] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:ARM_COMPLETE devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:42.293 [PCO1,-1,175] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:PERF:ACC:START_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:42.293 [PCO1,-1,175] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\asynDriver\asynManager.c:1565] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO1 addr -1 queueRequest priority 0 not lockHolder
2020/05/19 11:21:42.293 [PCO1,-1,14] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:ArraySize_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=21418752
2020/05/19 11:21:42.293 [PCO1,-1,11] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:ArraySizeX_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=4008
2020/05/19 11:21:42.293 [PCO1,-1,12] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:ArraySizeY_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=2672
2020/05/19 11:21:42.293 [PCO1,-1,14] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:ArraySize_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=21418752
2020/05/19 11:21:42.293 [PCO1,-1,11] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:ArraySizeX_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=4008
2020/05/19 11:21:42.293 [PCO1,-1,12] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:ArraySizeY_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=2672
2020/05/19 11:21:42.293 [PCO1,-1,174] [C:\epics\inst-\areaDetector-R3-9\ADCore\ADApp\ADSrc\ADDriver.cpp:94] [PCO1,00000000027AF1C0,-1] ADDriver:writeInt32: function=174, paramName=PCO_PERFACC_ARM, value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:42.293 [PCO1,-1,174] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:530] [PCO1,00000000027AF1C0,-1] PCO4000:cam1:PERF:ACC:ARM devAsynInt32::processCallbackOutput process value 1
2020/05/19 11:21:42.293 [PCO1,-1,175] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\asynDriver\asynManager.c:886] [PCO1,00000000027AF1C0,-1] asynManager::portThread port=PCO1 callback
2020/05/19 11:21:42.294 [PCO1,-1,175] [C:\epics\inst-\areaDetector-R3-9\ADCore\ADApp\ADSrc\ADDriver.cpp:94] [PCO1,00000000027AF1C0,-1] ADDriver:writeInt32: function=175, paramName=PCO_PERFACC_START, value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:42.294 [PCO1,-1,175] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:530] [PCO1,00000000027AF1C0,-1] PCO4000:cam1:PERF:ACC:START devAsynInt32::processCallbackOutput process value 1
2020/05/19 11:21:42.306 [PCO1,-1,97] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynFloat64.c:383] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:ELEC_TEMP_RBV devAsynFloat64::interruptCallbackInput new value=34.000000
2020/05/19 11:21:42.306 [PCO1,-1,97] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynFloat64.c:557] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:ELEC_TEMP_RBV devAsynFloat64::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=34.000000
2020/05/19 11:21:44.696 [PCO1,-1,26] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:44.696 [PCO1,-1,76] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:NumImagesCounter_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:44.696 [PCO1,-1,162] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:PERF:CNT:GOODFRAME_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:44.696 [PCO1,-1,176] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:PERF:ACC:GOODFRAME_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:44.696 [PCO1,-1,105] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:IMAGE_NUMBER_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:44.696 [PCO1,-1,80] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:DetectorState_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=0
2020/05/19 11:21:44.696 [PCO1,-1,9] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:AcquireBusyCB devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=0
2020/05/19 11:21:44.696 [PCO1,-1,8] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:607] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:Acquire devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackOutput new value=0
2020/05/19 11:21:44.696 [PCO1,-1,8] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:Acquire_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=0
2020/05/19 11:21:44.696 [PCO1,-1,59] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [PCO1_updateQueuedArrayCount,0000000000481ED0,50] PCO4000:cam1:NumQueuedArrays devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=2
2020/05/19 11:21:44.697 [PCO1,-1,26] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:44.697 [PCO1,-1,76] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:NumImagesCounter_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:44.697 [PCO1,-1,162] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:PERF:CNT:GOODFRAME_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:44.697 [PCO1,-1,176] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:PERF:ACC:GOODFRAME_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:44.697 [PCO1,-1,105] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:IMAGE_NUMBER_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:44.697 [PCO1,-1,80] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:DetectorState_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=0
2020/05/19 11:21:44.697 [PCO1,-1,9] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:AcquireBusyCB devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=0
2020/05/19 11:21:44.697 [PCO1,-1,8] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:Acquire devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=0
2020/05/19 11:21:44.697 [PCO1,-1,8] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:Acquire_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=0
2020/05/19 11:21:44.697 [PCO1,-1,59] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:NumQueuedArrays devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=2
2020/05/19 11:21:44.698 [PCO1,-1,176] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\asynDriver\asynManager.c:1565] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO1 addr -1 queueRequest priority 0 not lockHolder
2020/05/19 11:21:44.698 [PCO1,-1,176] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\asynDriver\asynManager.c:886] [PCO1,00000000027AF1C0,-1] asynManager::portThread port=PCO1 callback
2020/05/19 11:21:44.698 [PCO1,-1,176] [C:\epics\inst-\areaDetector-R3-9\ADCore\ADApp\ADSrc\ADDriver.cpp:94] [PCO1,00000000027AF1C0,-1] ADDriver:writeInt32: function=176, paramName=PCO_PERFACC_GOODFRAME, value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:44.698 [PCO1,-1,176] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:530] [PCO1,00000000027AF1C0,-1] PCO4000:cam1:PERF:ACC:GOODFRAME devAsynInt32::processCallbackOutput process value 1
2020/05/19 11:21:44.752 [PCO1,-1,59] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [PCO1_updateQueuedArrayCount,0000000000481ED0,50] PCO4000:cam1:NumQueuedArrays devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:44.752 [PCO1,-1,59] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:NumQueuedArrays devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:44.807 [PCO1,-1,59] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [PCO1_updateQueuedArrayCount,0000000000481ED0,50] PCO4000:cam1:NumQueuedArrays devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=0
2020/05/19 11:21:44.807 [PCO1,-1,59] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:NumQueuedArrays devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=0
2020/05/19 11:21:45.062 [PCO1,-1,150] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:ARM_COMPLETE devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=0
2020/05/19 11:21:45.062 [PCO1,-1,150] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:ARM_COMPLETE devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=0
2020/05/19 11:21:47.329 [PCO1,-1,88] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynFloat64.c:383] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:Temperature_RBV devAsynFloat64::interruptCallbackInput new value=-8.500000
2020/05/19 11:21:47.329 [PCO1,-1,97] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynFloat64.c:383] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:ELEC_TEMP_RBV devAsynFloat64::interruptCallbackInput new value=35.000000
2020/05/19 11:21:47.329 [PCO1,-1,88] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynFloat64.c:557] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:Temperature_RBV devAsynFloat64::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=-8.500000
2020/05/19 11:21:47.329 [PCO1,-1,97] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynFloat64.c:557] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:ELEC_TEMP_RBV devAsynFloat64::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=35.000000
2020/05/19 11:21:47.329 [PCO1,-1,96] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:CAM_RAM_USE_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:47.329 [PCO1,-1,149] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:CAM_RAM_USE_FRAMES_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:47.329 [PCO1,-1,96] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:CAM_RAM_USE_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:47.329 [PCO1,-1,149] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:CAM_RAM_USE_FRAMES_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:47.329 [PCO1,-1,155] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [Pco,00000000027B43E0,10] PCO4000:cam1:BUFFERS_IN_USE_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=3
2020/05/19 11:21:47.329 [PCO1,-1,155] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:BUFFERS_IN_USE_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=3
2020/05/19 11:21:55.170 [PCO1,-1,8] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\asynDriver\asynManager.c:1565] [CAS-client,000000000BA28790,20] PCO1 addr -1 queueRequest priority 0 not lockHolder
2020/05/19 11:21:55.170 [PCO1,-1,8] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\asynDriver\asynManager.c:886] [PCO1,00000000027AF1C0,-1] asynManager::portThread port=PCO1 callback
2020/05/19 11:21:55.170 [PCO1,-1,9] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [PCO1,00000000027AF1C0,-1] PCO4000:cam1:AcquireBusyCB devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:55.170 [PCO1,-1,8] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:607] [PCO1,00000000027AF1C0,-1] PCO4000:cam1:Acquire devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackOutput new value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:55.170 [PCO1,-1,9] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:AcquireBusyCB devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:55.170 [PCO1,-1,8] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:556] [PCO1,00000000027AF1C0,-1] PCO4000:cam1:Acquire_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbackInput new value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:55.170 [PCO1,-1,8] [C:\epics\inst-\areaDetector-R3-9\ADCore\ADApp\ADSrc\asynNDArrayDriver.cpp:694] [PCO1,00000000027AF1C0,-1] asynNDArrayDriver:writeInt32: function=8, paramName=ACQUIRE, value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:55.170 [PCO1,-1,8] [C:\epics\inst-\areaDetector-R3-9\ADCore\ADApp\ADSrc\ADDriver.cpp:94] [PCO1,00000000027AF1C0,-1] ADDriver:writeInt32: function=8, paramName=ACQUIRE, value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:55.170 [PCO1,-1,8] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:530] [PCO1,00000000027AF1C0,-1] PCO4000:cam1:Acquire devAsynInt32::processCallbackOutput process value 1
2020/05/19 11:21:55.171 [PCO1,-1,8] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:Acquire_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=1
2020/05/19 11:21:55.171 [PCO1,-1,8] [C:\epics\inst-\asyn-R4-39\asyn\devEpics\devAsynInt32.c:796] [cbLow,000000000B54B7A0,59] PCO4000:cam1:Acquire devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue from ringBuffer value=1

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Sintschuk, Michael
Gesendet: Dienstag, 19. Mai 2020 09:03
An: 'Mark Rivers' <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>; Bradnick, Ben (Tessella,RAL,TEC) <ben.bradnick at diamond.ac.uk>; 'Ivashkevych, Oksana' <oksana at bnl.gov>
Cc: 'tech-talk' <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Betreff: AW: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface

Hi Ben, hi Mark,

to answer your two questions:
1)@Ben: yes, CamWare is successfully connecting to the camera and is also taking pictures with no issues.
2)@Mark: I don't think that the camera has special features. We are actually planning to change to a newer pco.edge camera by the end of this year/beginning next year. This one with Cameralink! Until then I want to try to debug the pco.4000 with Firewire.

Today I found out, that my last tech-talk entry was wrong! Without trying to arm, the pco.4000 IOC-startup (Firewire) is the same as the pco.1600 IOC-startup (GigE). Only after the first arm was done, the correct XCAMSIZE/ YCAMSIZE/etc. of the pco.1600 are shown. Since the arm of the pco.4000 goes wrong ("Memory area is invalid.") the camera parameters are not shown. But you can see them in the asynTrace.out.

I will send the whole asynTrace of the pco.4000 in a separate e-mail to you 3 since tech-talk is not allowing attachments bigger than 512 KB. There I try to once arm the camera after IOC-init. You can see this from line ~3480, that the correct Size_X/Size_Y are shown (4008/2672). After that the exception "Failed to arm, PCO error, allocateBuffer returned a00a3006" is thrown.

The function "doArm" in /pcowinApp/src/Pco.cpp calls allocateImageBuffers() (Line 2230), which in the end calls the function PCO_AllocateBuffer from the sdk. I tried to recompile the package with the change:
bufferSize * sizeof(unsigned int) for example (instead of bufferSize * sizeof(short) )... but with no luck. Only the error-code changes to 800a3006 (instead of a00a3006). Don't know what that means.

Maybe someone of you has a proposal I can try.


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>
Gesendet: Montag, 18. Mai 2020 17:03
An: Bradnick, Ben (Tessella,RAL,TEC) <ben.bradnick at diamond.ac.uk>; Sintschuk, Michael <michael.sintschuk at bam.de>; 'Ivashkevych, Oksana' <oksana at bnl.gov>
Cc: 'tech-talk' <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Betreff: Re: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface

Hi Michael,

Does your PCO Firewire camera have any special features?  If not I might suggest replacing it with a GigE or USB3 camera that is GenICam compliant.  These interfaces are significantly faster and have good support in areaDetector.  Depending on the number of pixels in your detector one of these replacements may well be under $500.  Tracking down the problem with the PCO Firewire camera could easily cost more in effort than the cost of replacing it.


From: Bradnick, Ben (Tessella,RAL,TEC) <ben.bradnick at diamond.ac.uk>
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2020 9:39 AM
To: Sintschuk, Michael; Mark Rivers; 'Ivashkevych, Oksana'
Cc: 'tech-talk'
Subject: Re: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface

Hi Michael,

Unfortunately we don't have any cameras with the FireWire interface at our facility so cannot try and reproduce this problem. Does the CamWare software successfully connect and communicate with the camera?

You could also try and create a simple C++ application to perform some simple test calls from the SDK (e.g. PCO_OpenCamera and PCO_GetCameraDescription) to see if you get sensible responses.

Kind regards,
From: Sintschuk, Michael <michael.sintschuk at bam.de>
Sent: 14 May 2020 16:31
To: Bradnick, Ben (Tessella,RAL,TEC) <ben.bradnick at diamond.ac.uk>; Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>; 'Ivashkevych, Oksana' <oksana at bnl.gov>
Cc: 'tech-talk' <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Subject: AW: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface

Hi all,

when running the IOC to connect the pco.1600 via GigE, I noticed that the PVs PCO1600:cam1:XCAMSIZE_RBV and PCO1600:cam1:YCAMSIZE_RBV are set to 1600 x 1200 from start on. This is correct for the pco.1600 and it is working fine.

When I run the IOC to connect the pco.4000 via Firewire, the PVs PCO4000:cam1:XCAMSIZE_RBV and PCO4000:cam1:YCAMSIZE_RBV are set to: 1280 x 1024. This is not correct, since the pco.4000 has x-y-size that is 4008 x 2672. I think the size 1280 x 1024 is coming from the file in .ADPcoWin/pcowinApp/src/Pco.cpp , lines 140 and 141:

paramXCamSize(this, "PCO_XCAMSIZE", 1280)

paramYCamSize(this, "PCO_YCAMSIZE", 1024)

I think, these are the default settings, that are overwritten when the camera is set up fine (see pco.1600 .).

I changed paramXCamSize and paramYCamSize in Pco.cpp to 4008 x 2672 and recompiled ADPcoWin. When running the IOC, the PCO4000:cam1:XCAMSIZE_RBV and PCO4000:cam1:YCAMSIZE_RBV are 4008 x 2672 from start on but I still get the allocateBuffer error .

In the Pco.cpp there is also the function "Pco::allocateImageBuffers()" (Line 1924) that is calculating:

int bufferSize = this->xCamSize * this->yCamSize;

but since the default start-up is not setting the paramXCamSize and paramYCamSize correct, the Buffer allocation fails, at least this is now my assumption. So I think the communication via Firewire is not working correctly. As I understood no one is using these cameras via Firewire, so maybe it was never tested?

Best regards


Von: Sintschuk, Michael
Gesendet: Dienstag, 12. Mai 2020 19:05
An: 'Bradnick, Ben (Tessella,RAL,TEC)' <ben.bradnick at diamond.ac.uk>; Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>; 'Ivashkevych, Oksana' <oksana at bnl.gov>
Cc: 'tech-talk' <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Betreff: AW: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface

Hi Mark, hi Ben,

I added these lines for asynTrace:

asynSetTraceMask("$(PORT)", -1,0xff)

asynSetTraceIOMask("$(PORT)", -1,0x2)

and get the following messages when I try to arm the camera (the first and last  2 messages are from the temperature controller of the camera, it reports continuously):

2020/05/12 18:27:22.392 PCO4000:cam1:ELEC_TEMP_RBV devAsynFloat64::interruptCall

backInput new value=31.000000

2020/05/12 18:27:22.416 PCO4000:cam1:ELEC_TEMP_RBV devAsynFloat64::getCallbackVa

lue from ringBuffer value=31.000000

2020/05/12 18:27:23.539 PCO1 addr -1 queueRequest priority 0 not lockHolder

2020/05/12 18:27:23.558 asynManager::portThread port=PCO1 callback

2020/05/12 18:27:23.571 PCO4000:cam1:ARM_MODE_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbac

kInput new value=1

2020/05/12 18:27:23.588 ADDriver:writeInt32: function=104, paramName=PCO_ARM_MOD

E, value=1

2020/05/12 18:27:23.603 PCO4000:cam1:ARM_MODE_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue

from ringBuffer value=1

2020/05/12 18:27:23.612 PCO4000:cam1:ARM_MODE devAsynInt32::processCallbackOutpu

t process value 1

2020/05/12 18:27:23.818 PCO4000:cam1:PERF:ACC:ARM_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCal

lbackInput new value=1

2020/05/12 18:27:23.826 PCO4000:cam1:DetectorState_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCa

llbackInput new value=2

2020/05/12 18:27:23.831 PCO4000:cam1:PERF:ACC:ARM_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackV

alue from ringBuffer value=1

2020/05/12 18:27:23.838 PCO4000:cam1:DetectorState_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallback

Value from ringBuffer value=2

2020/05/12 18:27:23.844 PCO1 addr -1 queueRequest priority 0 not lockHolder

2020/05/12 18:27:23.847 PCO4000:cam1:ARM_MODE_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCallbac

kInput new value=0

2020/05/12 18:27:23.851 asynManager::portThread port=PCO1 callback

2020/05/12 18:27:23.853 PCO4000:cam1:ARM_MODE_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackValue

from ringBuffer value=0

2020/05/12 18:27:24.067 PCO4000:cam1:PERF:ACC:ARM_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCal

lbackInput new value=2

2020/05/12 18:27:24.080 PCO4000:cam1:PERF:ACC:ARM_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackV

alue from ringBuffer value=2

2020/05/12 18:27:24.091 PCO4000:cam1:PERF:ACC:ARM_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCal

lbackInput new value=1

2020/05/12 18:27:24.101 ADDriver:writeInt32: function=174, paramName=PCO_PERFACC

_ARM, value=1

2020/05/12 18:27:24.110 PCO4000:cam1:PERF:ACC:ARM_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallbackV

alue from ringBuffer value=1

2020/05/12 18:27:24.118 PCO4000:cam1:PERF:ACC:ARM devAsynInt32::processCallbackO

utput process value 1

2020/05/12 18:27:24.123 Failed to arm, PCO error, allocateBuffer returned a00a30


2020/05/12 18:27:24.127 PCO4000:cam1:StatusMessage_RBV devAsynOctet::interruptCa

llback ringSize=0, len=44, callback data:PCO error, allocateBuffer returned a00a


2020/05/12 18:27:24.135 PCO4000:cam1:DetectorState_RBV devAsynInt32::interruptCa

llbackInput new value=0

2020/05/12 18:27:24.141 PCO4000:cam1:StatusMessage_RBV devAsynOctet::processComm

on len=43,  data:PCO error, allocateBuffer returned a00a3006

2020/05/12 18:27:24.148 PCO4000:cam1:DetectorState_RBV devAsynInt32::getCallback

Value from ringBuffer value=0

2020/05/12 18:27:26.425 PCO4000:cam1:ELEC_TEMP_RBV devAsynFloat64::interruptCall

backInput new value=32.000000

2020/05/12 18:27:26.449 PCO4000:cam1:ELEC_TEMP_RBV devAsynFloat64::getCallbackVa

lue from ringBuffer value=32.000000


I use the same pcowinIOC that compiled with the ADPcoWin-module for both cameras. The location for "pcowinApp.exe" /ADPcoWin/iocs/pcowinIOC/bin/windows-x64-static/. is for both start-ups the same. I only made 2 folders in /ADPcoWin/iocs/pcowinIOC/iocBoot/. ("iocPco1600Win" and "iocPco4000Win") for the different start-up scripts and autosave. I also tried to separate them to have each his own ./bin/windows-x64-static/. but the results were the same.

When I check the memory usage in the Task-Manager, it tells me that I user ~15% of the RAM when the IOC is up.

Von: Bradnick, Ben (Tessella,RAL,TEC) <ben.bradnick at diamond.ac.uk<mailto:ben.bradnick at diamond.ac.uk>>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 12. Mai 2020 17:33
An: Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu<mailto:rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>>; Sintschuk, Michael <michael.sintschuk at bam.de<mailto:michael.sintschuk at bam.de>>; 'Ivashkevych, Oksana' <oksana at bnl.gov<mailto:oksana at bnl.gov>>
Cc: 'tech-talk' <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov<mailto:tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>>
Betreff: Re: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface

Hi Michael,

I have checked the logs of our IOCs using this PCO driver and haven't experienced the same issue before. We don't make use of the FireWire interface, but I think that should be invisible to the driver.

On top of what Mark has said, is the boot script, built IOC and server identical between your two different PCO setups? Could the server be running out of memory?

Kind regards,



From: Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu<mailto:rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>>
Sent: 12 May 2020 12:06
To: Sintschuk, Michael <michael.sintschuk at bam.de<mailto:michael.sintschuk at bam.de>>; 'Ivashkevych, Oksana' <oksana at bnl.gov<mailto:oksana at bnl.gov>>
Cc: Bradnick, Ben (Tessella,RAL,TEC) <ben.bradnick at diamond.ac.uk<mailto:ben.bradnick at diamond.ac.uk>>; 'tech-talk' <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov<mailto:tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>>
Subject: Re: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface

Hi Michael,

There are 2 placec in Pco.cpp where allocateBuffer is called from, you need to add some debugging to figure out which is generating your error.

The exception is being thrown in this code in DllApi.cpp:

 * Allocate a buffer
void DllApi::allocateBuffer(Handle handle, short* bufferNumber, unsigned long size,
        unsigned short** buffer, Handle* event) throw(PcoException) {
    int result = doAllocateBuffer(handle, bufferNumber, size, buffer, event);
    *this->trace << "DllApi->AllocateBuffer(" << handle << ", " <<
        *bufferNumber << ", " << size << ", " << *buffer << ", " << event << ") = " <<
        result << std::endl;
    if(result != DllApi::errorNone)
        throw PcoException("allocateBuffer", result);

It looks like there is some asynTrace message you can enable to see what is being passed to doAllocateBuffer.   You know that result is a00a3006, so you need to figure out what that error code means.

git grep gives a hint:

corvette:ADPcoWin/pcowinApp/src>git grep 3006
include/PCO_err.h:#define PCO_ERROR_SDKDLL_BADMEMORY                  0x80003006 // Memory area is invalid
include/PCO_errt.h:  "Memory area is invalid.",                       // 0x80003006  PCO_ERROR_SDKDLL_BADMEMORY


From: Sintschuk, Michael <michael.sintschuk at bam.de<mailto:michael.sintschuk at bam.de>>
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2020 3:21 AM
To: Mark Rivers; 'Ivashkevych, Oksana'
Cc: 'Bradnick, Ben (Tessella,RAL,TEC)'; 'tech-talk'
Subject: AW: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface

Hi Oksana, hi Mark,

I tried the suggestion from Oksana, but with no luck. Still there is the same error.

In the file "Pco.cpp" (located in ./pcowinApp/src/) I found this code, from which the error is coming from (I think.):


* Allocate image buffers and give them to the SDK. We allocate actual memory here,

* rather than using the NDArray memory because the SDK hangs onto the buffers, it only

* shows them to us when there is a frame ready. We must copy the frame out of the buffer

* into an NDArray for use by the rest of the system.


void Pco::allocateImageBuffers() throw(std::bad_alloc, PcoException)


// Now allocate the memory and tell the SDK

int bufferSize = this->xCamSize * this->yCamSize;



for(int i=0; i<Pco::numApiBuffers; i++)


if(this->buffers[i].buffer != NULL)




this->buffers[i].buffer = (unsigned
this->short*)_aligned_malloc(bufferSize*sizeof(unsigned short),

this->buffers[i].bufferNumber = DllApi::bufferUnallocated;

this->buffers[i].eventHandle = NULL;

this->api->allocateBuffer(this->camera, &this->buffers[i].bufferNumber,

bufferSize * sizeof(short), &this->buffers[i].buffer,


this->buffers[i].ready = true;



catch(std::bad_alloc& e)


// Recover from memory allocation failure






throw e;


catch(PcoException& e)


// Recover from PCO camera failure






throw e;



Is this a hint maybe?


Von: Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu<mailto:rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>>
Gesendet: Montag, 11. Mai 2020 20:33
An: 'Ivashkevych, Oksana' <oksana at bnl.gov<mailto:oksana at bnl.gov>>; Sintschuk, Michael <michael.sintschuk at bam.de<mailto:michael.sintschuk at bam.de>>
Cc: 'Bradnick, Ben (Tessella,RAL,TEC)' <ben.bradnick at diamond.ac.uk<mailto:ben.bradnick at diamond.ac.uk>>; 'tech-talk' <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov<mailto:tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>>
Betreff: RE: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface

  *   dbLoadRecords("C:/epics/inst-", "P=PCO4000:,R=image1:,PORT=Image1, 1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1,TYPE=Int16,FTVL=SHORT,NELEMENTS=11059200")

  *   I looked at the datasheet and it says that the pixel depth is 14 bit for this camera, which requires 2 bytes.
  *   4008x2672x2=21,418,752 and you allocated 11,059,200.
  *   Try changing to NELEMENTS=21418752

Michael's dbLoadRecords is actually fine.  Oksana has computed the size in bytes, but NELEMENTS is not bytes it is the number of elements in the waveform record, and in this case the FTVL is SHORT, so each element is 2 bytes.

Michael has actually allocated somewhat more elements than required, since  4008*2672 = 10709376, which is fewer than he allocated.

But more importantly Michael's error is from the PCO driver, which knows nothing about the size of the waveform record being used by NDPluginStdArrays.  This problem is in the driver, not the plugins.


From: Ivashkevych, Oksana <oksana at bnl.gov<mailto:oksana at bnl.gov<mailto:oksana at bnl.gov%3cmailto:oksana at bnl.gov>>>
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 12:29 PM
To: Sintschuk, Michael <michael.sintschuk at bam.de<mailto:michael.sintschuk at bam.de<mailto:michael.sintschuk at bam.de%3cmailto:michael.sintschuk at bam.de>>>; Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu<mailto:rivers at cars.uchicago.edu<mailto:rivers at cars.uchicago.edu%3cmailto:rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>>>
Cc: Bradnick, Ben (Tessella,RAL,TEC) <ben.bradnick at diamond.ac.uk<mailto:ben.bradnick at diamond.ac.uk<mailto:ben.bradnick at diamond.ac.uk%3cmailto:ben.bradnick at diamond.ac.uk>>>; tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov<mailto:tech-talk at aps.anl.gov<mailto:tech-talk at aps.anl.gov%3cmailto:tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>>>
Subject: RE: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface

Hi Michael,

I did not see this error, but it might be related to the buffer you allocate for you image. It is possible the driver checks unsatisfactory size and reports the error.

You are using CA protocol Image.

dbLoadRecords("C:/epics/inst-", "P=PCO4000:,R=image1:,PORT=Image1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1,TYPE=Int16,FTVL=SHORT,NELEMENTS=11059200")

with X and Y :

epicsEnvSet("XSIZE",  "4008")

epicsEnvSet("YSIZE",  "2672")

I looked at the datasheet and it says that the pixel depth is 14 bit for this camera, which requires 2 bytes.

4008x2672x2=21,418,752 and you allocated 11,059,200.

Try changing to NELEMENTS=21418752

And see it this fixes the problem.

With best regards,


From: Sintschuk, Michael <michael.sintschuk at bam.de<mailto:michael.sintschuk at bam.de<mailto:michael.sintschuk at bam.de%3cmailto:michael.sintschuk at bam.de>>>
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 8:50 AM
To: Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu<mailto:rivers at cars.uchicago.edu<mailto:rivers at cars.uchicago.edu%3cmailto:rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>>>
Cc: Bradnick, Ben (Tessella,RAL,TEC) <ben.bradnick at diamond.ac.uk<mailto:ben.bradnick at diamond.ac.uk<mailto:ben.bradnick at diamond.ac.uk%3cmailto:ben.bradnick at diamond.ac.uk>>>; Ivashkevych, Oksana <oksana at bnl.gov<mailto:oksana at bnl.gov<mailto:oksana at bnl.gov%3cmailto:oksana at bnl.gov>>>; tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov<mailto:tech-talk at aps.anl.gov<mailto:tech-talk at aps.anl.gov%3cmailto:tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>>>
Subject: AW: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface

Hello again,

I've been working some weeks now with the pco1600-camera connected via GigE. It works fine with the ADPcoWin-IOC. Great software, thanks to the epics-community!

However, I also try to set up a pco4000-camera connected via Firewire. The IOC starts and finds the camera but everytime I try to acquire an image there is the error:

Failed to arm, PCO error, allocateBuffer returned a00a3006

I guess, there are some settings that I've missed.

The camera connects fine with the original camware from pco.

I already tried to set the "QSIZE" , "CBUFFS", "XSIZE" or "YSIZE" values to different parameters, but with no look. Maybe someone already had this issue?

This is my IOC-startup:

C:\epics\inst-\areaDetector-R3-9\ADPcoWin\iocs\pcowinIOC\iocBoot\iocPco4000Win> C:\epics\inst-\areaDete

ctor-R3-9\ADPcoWin\iocs\pcowinIOC\bin\windows-x64-static\pcowinApp.exe st.cmd

< envPaths

















# Prefix for all records

epicsEnvSet("PREFIX", "PCO4000:")

# The port name for the detector

epicsEnvSet("PORT",   "PCO1")

# Larger queue size may be need to stream to disk at full camera speed, up tp 2000

epicsEnvSet("QSIZE",  "20")

# The maximim image width; used for row profiles in the NDPluginStats plugin

epicsEnvSet("XSIZE",  "4008")

# The maximim image height; used for column profiles in the NDPluginStats plugin

epicsEnvSet("YSIZE",  "2672")

# The maximum number of time series points in the NDPluginStats plugin

epicsEnvSet("NCHANS", "2048")

# The maximum number of frames buffered in the NDPluginCircularBuff plugin

epicsEnvSet("CBUFFS", "500")

# The search path for database files

epicsEnvSet("EPICS_DB_INCLUDE_PATH", "C:/epics/inst-")

# Define NELEMENTS to be enough for a 2048x2048x3 (color) image

epicsEnvSet("NELEMENTS", "11059200")

# pcoConfig(const char* portName, int maxBuffers, size_t maxMemory)

pcoConfig("PCO1", 0, 0, 8)

# pcoApiConfig(const char* portName)


# Asyn tracing

asynSetTraceIOMask(PCO1, 0, 2)

#asynSetTraceMask($(PORT), 0, 0xFF)

#asynSetTraceFile($(PORT), 0, "asynTrace.out")

#asynSetTraceInfoMask($(PORT), 0, 0xf)

dbLoadRecords("C:/epics/inst-", "P=PCO4000:,R=cam


dbLoadRecords("C:/epics/inst-", "


dbLoadRecords("C:/epics/inst-", "


dbLoadRecords("C:/epics/inst-", "


dbLoadRecords("C:/epics/inst-", "


dbLoadRecords("C:/epics/inst-", "


dbLoadRecords("C:/epics/inst-", "


dbLoadRecords("C:/epics/inst-", "


dbLoadRecords("C:/epics/inst-", "


# What other database files need to be loaded?

# Create a standard arrays plugin

NDStdArraysConfigure("Image1", 5, 0, "PCO1", 0, 0)

# Use this line for 8-bit data only

#dbLoadRecords("$(ADCORE)/db/NDStdArrays.template", "P=$(PREFIX),R=image1:,PORT=Image1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=$(P


# Use this line for 8-bit or 16-bit data

dbLoadRecords("C:/epics/inst-", "P=PCO4000:,R=image1:,PORT=Image


# Use this line for 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit data

#dbLoadRecords("$(ADCORE)/db/NDStdArrays.template", "P=$(PREFIX),R=image1:,PORT=Image1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=$(P


# Load all other plugins using commonPlugins.cmd

< C:/epics/inst-

# This is an example file for creating plugins

# It uses the following environment variable macros

# Many of the parameters defined in this file are also in commonPlugins_settings.req so if autosave is being

# use the autosave value will replace the value passed to this file.

# $(PREFIX)      Prefix for all records

# $(PORT)        The port name for the detector.  In autosave.

# $(QSIZE)       The queue size for all plugins.  In autosave.

# $(XSIZE)       The maximum image width; used to set the maximum size for row profiles in the NDPluginStats plugin and


#                   profiles in NDPluginFFT.

# $(YSIZE)       The maximum image height; used to set the maximum size for column profiles in the NDPluginStats plugin

# $(NCHANS)      The maximum number of time series points in the NDPluginStats, NDPluginROIStats, and NDPluginAttribute


# $(CBUFFS)      The maximum number of frames buffered in the NDPluginCircularBuff plugin

# $(MAX_THREADS) The maximum number of threads for plugins which can run in multiple threads. Defaults to 5.

# Create a netCDF file saving plugin

NDFileNetCDFConfigure("FileNetCDF1", 20, 0, "PCO1", 0)


# Create a TIFF file saving plugin

NDFileTIFFConfigure("FileTIFF1", 20, 0, "PCO1", 0)

dbLoadRecords("NDFileTIFF.template",  "P=PCO4000:,R=TIFF1:,PORT=FileTIFF1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1")

# Create a JPEG file saving plugin

NDFileJPEGConfigure("FileJPEG1", 20, 0, "PCO1", 0)

dbLoadRecords("NDFileJPEG.template",  "P=PCO4000:,R=JPEG1:,PORT=FileJPEG1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1")

# Create a NeXus file saving plugin

NDFileNexusConfigure("FileNexus1", 20, 0, "PCO1", 0)

dbLoadRecords("NDFileNexus.template", "P=PCO4000:,R=Nexus1:,PORT=FileNexus1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1")

# Create an HDF5 file saving plugin

NDFileHDF5Configure("FileHDF1", 20, 0, "PCO1", 0)

dbLoadRecords("NDFileHDF5.template",  "P=PCO4000:,R=HDF1:,PORT=FileHDF1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,XMLSIZE=2048,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1"


# Create a Magick file saving plugin

#NDFileMagickConfigure("FileMagick1", $(QSIZE), 0, "$(PORT)", 0)


# Create 4 ROI plugins

NDROIConfigure("ROI1", 20, 0, "PCO1", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5)

dbLoadRecords("NDROI.template",       "P=PCO4000:,R=ROI1:,  PORT=ROI1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1")

NDROIConfigure("ROI2", 20, 0, "PCO1", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5)

dbLoadRecords("NDROI.template",       "P=PCO4000:,R=ROI2:,  PORT=ROI2,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1")

NDROIConfigure("ROI3", 20, 0, "PCO1", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5)

dbLoadRecords("NDROI.template",       "P=PCO4000:,R=ROI3:,  PORT=ROI3,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1")

NDROIConfigure("ROI4", 20, 0, "PCO1", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5)

dbLoadRecords("NDROI.template",       "P=PCO4000:,R=ROI4:,  PORT=ROI4,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1")

# Create 8 ROIStat plugins

NDROIStatConfigure("ROISTAT1", 20, 0, "PCO1", 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5)

dbLoadRecords("NDROIStat.template",   "P=PCO4000:,R=ROIStat1:  ,PORT=ROISTAT1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1,NCHANS=


dbLoadRecords("NDROIStatN.template",  "P=PCO4000:,R=ROIStat1:1:,PORT=ROISTAT1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NCHANS=2048")

dbLoadRecords("NDROIStatN.template",  "P=PCO4000:,R=ROIStat1:2:,PORT=ROISTAT1,ADDR=1,TIMEOUT=1,NCHANS=2048")

dbLoadRecords("NDROIStatN.template",  "P=PCO4000:,R=ROIStat1:3:,PORT=ROISTAT1,ADDR=2,TIMEOUT=1,NCHANS=2048")

dbLoadRecords("NDROIStatN.template",  "P=PCO4000:,R=ROIStat1:4:,PORT=ROISTAT1,ADDR=3,TIMEOUT=1,NCHANS=2048")

dbLoadRecords("NDROIStatN.template",  "P=PCO4000:,R=ROIStat1:5:,PORT=ROISTAT1,ADDR=4,TIMEOUT=1,NCHANS=2048")

dbLoadRecords("NDROIStatN.template",  "P=PCO4000:,R=ROIStat1:6:,PORT=ROISTAT1,ADDR=5,TIMEOUT=1,NCHANS=2048")

dbLoadRecords("NDROIStatN.template",  "P=PCO4000:,R=ROIStat1:7:,PORT=ROISTAT1,ADDR=6,TIMEOUT=1,NCHANS=2048")

dbLoadRecords("NDROIStatN.template",  "P=PCO4000:,R=ROIStat1:8:,PORT=ROISTAT1,ADDR=7,TIMEOUT=1,NCHANS=2048")

# Create a processing plugin

NDProcessConfigure("PROC1", 20, 0, "PCO1", 0, 0, 0)

dbLoadRecords("NDProcess.template",   "P=PCO4000:,R=Proc1:,  PORT=PROC1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1")

# Create a TIFF file plugin to read dark and flatfield images into the processing plugin

NDFileTIFFConfigure("PROC1TIFF", 20, 0, "PCO1", 0)

dbLoadRecords("NDFileTIFF.template",  "P=PCO4000:,R=Proc1:TIFF:,PORT=PROC1TIFF,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1")

# Create a scatter plugin

NDScatterConfigure("SCATTER1", 20, 0, "PCO1", 0, 0, 0)

dbLoadRecords("NDScatter.template",   "P=PCO4000:,R=Scatter1:,  PORT=SCATTER1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1")

# Create a gather plugin with 8 ports

NDGatherConfigure("GATHER1", 20, 0, 8, 0, 0)

dbLoadRecords("NDGather.template",   "P=PCO4000:,R=Gather1:, PORT=GATHER1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1")

dbLoadRecords("NDGatherN.template",   "P=PCO4000:,R=Gather1:, N=1, PORT=GATHER1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1")

dbLoadRecords("NDGatherN.template",   "P=PCO4000:,R=Gather1:, N=2, PORT=GATHER1,ADDR=1,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1")

dbLoadRecords("NDGatherN.template",   "P=PCO4000:,R=Gather1:, N=3, PORT=GATHER1,ADDR=2,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1")

dbLoadRecords("NDGatherN.template",   "P=PCO4000:,R=Gather1:, N=4, PORT=GATHER1,ADDR=3,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1")

dbLoadRecords("NDGatherN.template",   "P=PCO4000:,R=Gather1:, N=5, PORT=GATHER1,ADDR=4,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1")

dbLoadRecords("NDGatherN.template",   "P=PCO4000:,R=Gather1:, N=6, PORT=GATHER1,ADDR=5,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1")

dbLoadRecords("NDGatherN.template",   "P=PCO4000:,R=Gather1:, N=7, PORT=GATHER1,ADDR=6,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1")

dbLoadRecords("NDGatherN.template",   "P=PCO4000:,R=Gather1:, N=8, PORT=GATHER1,ADDR=7,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1")

# Create 5 statistics plugins

NDStatsConfigure("STATS1", 20, 0, "PCO1", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5)

dbLoadRecords("NDStats.template",     "P=PCO4000:,R=Stats1:,  PORT=STATS1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,HIST_SIZE=256,XSIZE=4008,YSIZ


NDTimeSeriesConfigure("STATS1_TS", 20, 0, "STATS1", 1, 23)

dbLoadRecords("C:/epics/inst-",  "P=PCO4000:,R=Stats1:TS:, PORT


NDStatsConfigure("STATS2", 20, 0, "ROI1",    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5)

dbLoadRecords("NDStats.template",     "P=PCO4000:,R=Stats2:,  PORT=STATS2,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,HIST_SIZE=256,XSIZE=4008,YSIZ


NDTimeSeriesConfigure("STATS2_TS", 20, 0, "STATS2", 1, 23)

dbLoadRecords("C:/epics/inst-",  "P=PCO4000:,R=Stats2:TS:, PORT


NDStatsConfigure("STATS3", 20, 0, "ROI2",    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5)

dbLoadRecords("NDStats.template",     "P=PCO4000:,R=Stats3:,  PORT=STATS3,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,HIST_SIZE=256,XSIZE=4008,YSIZ


NDTimeSeriesConfigure("STATS3_TS", 20, 0, "STATS3", 1, 23)

dbLoadRecords("C:/epics/inst-",  "P=PCO4000:,R=Stats3:TS:, PORT


NDStatsConfigure("STATS4", 20, 0, "ROI3",    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5)

dbLoadRecords("NDStats.template",     "P=PCO4000:,R=Stats4:,  PORT=STATS4,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,HIST_SIZE=256,XSIZE=4008,YSIZ


NDTimeSeriesConfigure("STATS4_TS", 20, 0, "STATS4", 1, 23)

dbLoadRecords("C:/epics/inst-",  "P=PCO4000:,R=Stats4:TS:, PORT


NDStatsConfigure("STATS5", 20, 0, "ROI4",    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5)

dbLoadRecords("NDStats.template",     "P=PCO4000:,R=Stats5:,  PORT=STATS5,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,HIST_SIZE=256,XSIZE=4008,YSIZ


NDTimeSeriesConfigure("STATS5_TS", 20, 0, "STATS5", 1, 23)

dbLoadRecords("C:/epics/inst-",  "P=PCO4000:,R=Stats5:TS:, PORT


# Create a transform plugin

NDTransformConfigure("TRANS1", 20, 0, "PCO1", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5)

dbLoadRecords("NDTransform.template", "P=PCO4000:,R=Trans1:,  PORT=TRANS1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1")

# Create an overlay plugin with 8 overlays

NDOverlayConfigure("OVER1", 20, 0, "PCO1", 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5)

dbLoadRecords("NDOverlay.template", "P=PCO4000:,R=Over1:, PORT=OVER1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1")

dbLoadRecords("NDOverlayN.template","P=PCO4000:,R=Over1:1:,NAME=ROI1,   SHAPE=1,O=Over1:,XPOS=PCO4000:ROI1:MinX_RBV,YPOS


dbLoadRecords("NDOverlayN.template","P=PCO4000:,R=Over1:2:,NAME=ROI2,   SHAPE=1,O=Over1:,XPOS=PCO4000:ROI2:MinX_RBV,YPOS


dbLoadRecords("NDOverlayN.template","P=PCO4000:,R=Over1:3:,NAME=ROI3,   SHAPE=1,O=Over1:,XPOS=PCO4000:ROI3:MinX_RBV,YPOS


dbLoadRecords("NDOverlayN.template","P=PCO4000:,R=Over1:4:,NAME=ROI4,   SHAPE=1,O=Over1:,XPOS=PCO4000:ROI4:MinX_RBV,YPOS


dbLoadRecords("NDOverlayN.template","P=PCO4000:,R=Over1:5:,NAME=Cursor1,SHAPE=1,O=Over1:,XPOS=junk,                  YPO

S=junk,                  XSIZE=junk,                   YSIZE=junk,                   PORT=OVER1,ADDR=4,TIMEOUT=1")

dbLoadRecords("NDOverlayN.template","P=PCO4000:,R=Over1:6:,NAME=Cursor2,SHAPE=1,O=Over1:,XPOS=junk,                  YPO

S=junk,                  XSIZE=junk,                   YSIZE=junk,                   PORT=OVER1,ADDR=5,TIMEOUT=1")

dbLoadRecords("NDOverlayN.template","P=PCO4000:,R=Over1:7:,NAME=Box1,   SHAPE=1,O=Over1:,XPOS=junk,                  YPO

S=junk,                  XSIZE=junk,                   YSIZE=junk,                   PORT=OVER1,ADDR=6,TIMEOUT=1")

dbLoadRecords("NDOverlayN.template","P=PCO4000:,R=Over1:8:,NAME=Box2,   SHAPE=1,O=Over1:,XPOS=junk,                  YPO

S=junk,                  XSIZE=junk,                   YSIZE=junk,                   PORT=OVER1,ADDR=7,TIMEOUT=1")

# Create 2 color conversion plugins

NDColorConvertConfigure("CC1", 20, 0, "PCO1", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5)

dbLoadRecords("NDColorConvert.template", "P=PCO4000:,R=CC1:,  PORT=CC1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1")

NDColorConvertConfigure("CC2", 20, 0, "PCO1", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5)

dbLoadRecords("NDColorConvert.template", "P=PCO4000:,R=CC2:,  PORT=CC2,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1")

# Create a circular buffer plugin

NDCircularBuffConfigure("CB1", 20, 0, "PCO1", 0, 500, 0)

dbLoadRecords("NDCircularBuff.template", "P=PCO4000:,R=CB1:,  PORT=CB1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1")

# Create an NDAttribute plugin with 8 attributes

NDAttrConfigure("ATTR1", 20, 0, "PCO1", 0, 8, 0, 0, 0)

dbLoadRecords("NDAttribute.template",  "P=PCO4000:,R=Attr1:,    PORT=ATTR1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NCHANS=2048,NDARRAY_PORT=PCO


dbLoadRecords("NDAttributeN.template", "P=PCO4000:,R=Attr1:1:,  PORT=ATTR1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NCHANS=2048")

dbLoadRecords("NDAttributeN.template", "P=PCO4000:,R=Attr1:2:,  PORT=ATTR1,ADDR=1,TIMEOUT=1,NCHANS=2048")

dbLoadRecords("NDAttributeN.template", "P=PCO4000:,R=Attr1:3:,  PORT=ATTR1,ADDR=2,TIMEOUT=1,NCHANS=2048")

dbLoadRecords("NDAttributeN.template", "P=PCO4000:,R=Attr1:4:,  PORT=ATTR1,ADDR=3,TIMEOUT=1,NCHANS=2048")

dbLoadRecords("NDAttributeN.template", "P=PCO4000:,R=Attr1:5:,  PORT=ATTR1,ADDR=4,TIMEOUT=1,NCHANS=2048")

dbLoadRecords("NDAttributeN.template", "P=PCO4000:,R=Attr1:6:,  PORT=ATTR1,ADDR=5,TIMEOUT=1,NCHANS=2048")

dbLoadRecords("NDAttributeN.template", "P=PCO4000:,R=Attr1:7:,  PORT=ATTR1,ADDR=6,TIMEOUT=1,NCHANS=2048")

dbLoadRecords("NDAttributeN.template", "P=PCO4000:,R=Attr1:8:,  PORT=ATTR1,ADDR=7,TIMEOUT=1,NCHANS=2048")

NDTimeSeriesConfigure("ATTR1_TS", 20, 0, "ATTR1", 1, 8)

dbLoadRecords("C:/epics/inst-",  "P=PCO4000:,R=Attr1:TS:, PORT=


# Create an FFT plugin

NDFFTConfigure("FFT1", 20, 0, "PCO1", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5)

dbLoadRecords("NDFFT.template", "P=PCO4000:, R=FFT1:, PORT=FFT1, ADDR=0, TIMEOUT=1, NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1, NAME=FFT1, NCHANS


# Create 2 Codec plugins

NDCodecConfigure("CODEC1", 20, 0, "PCO1", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5)

dbLoadRecords("NDCodec.template", "P=PCO4000:, R=Codec1:, PORT=CODEC1, ADDR=0, TIMEOUT=1, NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1")

NDCodecConfigure("CODEC2", 20, 0, "PCO1", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5)

dbLoadRecords("NDCodec.template", "P=PCO4000:, R=Codec2:, PORT=CODEC2, ADDR=0, TIMEOUT=1, NDARRAY_PORT=PCO1")








dbLoadRecords("C:/epics/inst-", "P=PCO4000:")

# Optional: load NDPluginPva plugin

#NDPvaConfigure("PVA1", $(QSIZE), 0, "$(PORT)", 0, $(PREFIX)Pva1:Image, 0, 0, 0)

#dbLoadRecords("NDPva.template",  "P=$(PREFIX),R=Pva1:, PORT=PVA1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=$(PORT)")

# Must start PVA server if this is enabled


# Optional: load ffmpegServer plugin


#ffmpegStreamConfigure("FfmStream1", 2, 0, "$(PORT)", 0, -1, 0)

#dbLoadRecords("$(FFMPEGSERVER)/db/ffmpegStream.template", "P=$(PREFIX),R=ffmstream1:,PORT=FfmStream1,NDARRAY_PORT=$(POR


#ffmpegFileConfigure("FfmFile1", 16, 0, "$(PORT)", 0, -1, 0)

#dbLoadRecords("$(FFMPEGSERVER)/db/ffmpegFile.template", "P=$(PREFIX),R=ffmfile1:,PORT=FfmFile1,NDARRAY_PORT=$(PORT)")

# Optional: load NDPluginEdge plugin

#NDEdgeConfigure("EDGE1", $(QSIZE), 0, "$(PORT)", 0, 0, 0, 0)

#dbLoadRecords("$(ADPLUGINEDGE)/db/NDEdge.template",  "P=$(PREFIX),R=Edge1:, PORT=EDGE1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=$(



# Optional: load NDPluginCV plugin

#NDCVConfigure("CV1", $(QSIZE), 0, "$(PORT)", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $(MAX_THREADS=5))

#dbLoadRecords("$(ADCOMPVISION)/db/NDCV.template",  "P=$(PREFIX),R=CV1:, PORT=CV1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=$(PORT)"



# Optional: load NDPluginBar plugin

#NDBarConfigure("BAR1", $(QSIZE), 0, "$(PORT)", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $(MAX_THREADS=5))

#dbLoadRecords("$(ADPLUGINBAR)/db/NDBar.template",  "P=$(PREFIX),R=Bar1:, PORT=BAR1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=$(PORT



# Optional: load scan records

dbLoadRecords("C:/epics/inst-", "P=PCO4000:,MAXPTS1=2000,MAXPTS2=200,MAXPTS3=20



# Optional: load sseq record for acquisition sequence

dbLoadRecords("C:/epics/inst-", "P=PCO4000:, S=AcquireSequence")


# Optional: load devIocStats records (requires DEVIOCSTATS module)

#dbLoadRecords("$(DEVIOCSTATS)/db/iocAdminSoft.db", "IOC=$(PREFIX)")

# Optional: load alive record (requires ALIVE module)

#dbLoadRecords("$(ALIVE)/aliveApp/Db/alive.db", "P=$(PREFIX),RHOST=")

# Set the callback queue size to 5000, up from default of 2000 in base.

# This can be needed to avoid errors "callbackRequest: cbLow ring buffer full".




Starting iocInit


## EPICS R7.0.3.1

## EPICS Base built Mar  9 2020


reboot_restore: entry for file 'auto_settings.sav'

reboot_restore: Found filename 'auto_settings.sav' in restoreFileList.

*** restoring from './autosave/auto_settings.sav' at initHookState 6 (before record/device init) ***

reboot_restore: done with file 'auto_settings.sav'

recDynLinkOut: waiting for CA context

recDynLinkOut: got CA context

reboot_restore: entry for file 'auto_settings.sav'

reboot_restore: Found filename 'auto_settings.sav' in restoreFileList.

*** restoring from './autosave/auto_settings.sav' at initHookState 7 (after record/device init) ***

reboot_restore: done with file 'auto_settings.sav'

iocRun: All initialization complete

# save things every thirty seconds

create_monitor_set("auto_settings.req", 30,"P=PCO4000:")

epics> auto_settings.sav: 2277 of 2277 PV's connected


                                        : Found 8 devices on camera

epics> 2020/05/11 13:53:06.730 Failed to arm, PCO error, allocateBuffer
epics> returned a00a3006

Again, thanks for the help!


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Diamond Light Source Limited (company no. 4375679). Registered in England and Wales with its registered office at Diamond House, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom



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Diamond Light Source Limited (company no. 4375679). Registered in England and Wales with its registered office at Diamond House, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom

AW: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface Sintschuk, Michael via Tech-talk
AW: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface Sintschuk, Michael via Tech-talk
AW: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface Sintschuk, Michael via Tech-talk
Re: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface Mark Rivers via Tech-talk
AW: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface Sintschuk, Michael via Tech-talk
Re: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface Mark Rivers via Tech-talk
AW: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface Sintschuk, Michael via Tech-talk
RE: pco Camera USB and IEEE interface Mark Rivers via Tech-talk

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