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Subject: multiple USB devices in Asyn
From: "Siddons, David via Tech-talk" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: "tech-talk at aps.anl.gov" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 2020 19:13:08 +0000
I have a setup with two identical USB devices. They connect as ttyUSB0 and ttyUSB1. I tried to set up an asyn interface using the following commands:
drvAsynSerialPortConfigure("IP1", "/dev/ttyUSB0", 0, 0, 0)
asynSetOption("IP1", -1, "baud", "115200")
asynSetOption("IP1", -1, "bits", "8")
asynSetOption("IP1", -1, "parity", "none")
asynSetOption("IP1", -1, "stop", "1")
asynSetOption("IP1", -1, "clocal", "Y")
asynSetOption("IP1", -1, "crtscts", "N")

drvAsynSerialPortConfigure("IP2", "/dev/ttyUSB1", 0, 0, 0)
asynSetOption("IP2", -1, "baud", "115200")
asynSetOption("IP2", -1, "bits", "8")
asynSetOption("IP2", -1, "parity", "none")
asynSetOption("IP2", -1, "stop", "1")
asynSetOption("IP2", -1, "clocal", "Y")
asynSetOption("IP2", -1, "crtscts", "N")

# almCreateController(AllMotion port name, asyn port name, board address,
#                     Number of axes, Moving poll period (ms), Idle poll period (ms))
almCreateEZ4Controller("ALM1", "IP1", "$(ALM_ADDR1)", 4, 200, 500)
almCreateEZ4Controller("ALM2", "IP2", "$(ALM_ADDR2)", 4, 200, 500)

This fails, saying port ALM2 cannot be found. If I try to connect the second one also to ALM1, it complains that ALM1 is already registered.
If I comment out the first device, the second one (with port ALM2) comes up fine. How should I be doing this?


RE: multiple USB devices in Asyn Mark Rivers via Tech-talk

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