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Subject: offset correction in PerkinElmer AreaDetector [SEC=OFFICIAL]
From: "CORNALL, Terry via Tech-talk" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: "tech-talk at aps.anl.gov" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Cc: "BRAND, Helen" <helenb at ansto.gov.au>
Date: Wed, 26 May 2021 04:08:38 +0000

Hi All.

We have a Varex XRPAD detector and want to use the PerkinElmer Areadetector driver with it. So far it appears to work but we have noticed something we don’t understand about the ‘corrections’ part of the main medm gui.

I see in the PerkinElmer Areadetector medm gui that there is a button ( PV is something:PEAcquireOffset) to capture an offset correction which appears to capture to a TIFF file (if that plugin is enabled) using the filename specified for datafiles.

Question is that offset correction then simply held in memory and used for that session and needs to be captured fresh at the start of every session?

Also, there appears to be thing in the gui  to load and apply a previously captured file.


Is there a reason why using a previously captured one wouldn’t work? And is there a way to do that that just doesn’t appear on the gui? And a means of controlling the name of the captured offset file (other than the fields used for naming the normal datafiles which is what PEAcquireOffset  appears to do now?)


Thanks for any thoughts.




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