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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Re: time out error in streamdevice
From: "Zimoch Dirk \(PSI\) via Tech-talk" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: "marco_hair at 163.com" <marco_hair at 163.com>, "tech-talk at aps.anl.gov" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2022 15:49:22 +0000
Hello Geyang,

The scan period has nothing to do with it.
You are getting timeouts after 0.5 seconds reading 8 of requested 64 bytes. (e.g. line 7044)

If your expected input is only 8 bytes long, set MaxInput=8 and not 64.
Otherwise try increasing ReadTimeout (currrently 500 milliseconds).

The uploaded file seems a bit messed up from the controls characters that are supposed to make the output colorful.
Try to set in your startup script: var streamDebugColored,0

If a user writes a command to the device while the driver is busy with query commands (and probably waiting for
timeout), the set command will be delayed until all queued commands with the same priority have been processed.

I often set field(PRIO, "HIGH") in set records while I leave the request records on the default priority "LOW". That way
the set record can write to the device immediately after the currently active record finished and does not have to wait
for a queue of request records.


On Fri, 2022-07-15 at 22:41 +0800, Silver via Tech-talk wrote:
> hi,
> I am using a streamdevice driver to control a power supply. there are about 12 read commands and several setting
>  commands. if use some network debug tools testing, the device can responese each command quickly (around 100ms). But
> if I use streamdevice driver, there are timeout errors show in attach logfile, even I have set the scan period very
> slow such as 1 second.
> ps, if the user send set command to device, when will it happen? after a round query command finishing?
> thank a lot for your help.
> attach file download url:  https://pan.baidu.com/s/1aBIw8T1NxhH07qTjPCZfMg?pwd=8888  ; 
> Best wishes
> Geyang 2022-07-15

time out error in streamdevice Silver via Tech-talk

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