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Subject: P4P usage for the pvget and pvput for the NTTable in Matlab
From: "Kim, Kuktae via Tech-talk" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: "tech-talk at aps.anl.gov" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 23:29:13 +0000
Hi all,
I am trying to use the P4P python module (https://mdavidsaver.github.io/p4p/index.html#) in Matlab for EPICS NTTable PVs.

Versions that I use:
Python: 3.8.13
P4P: 4.1.3
Matlab: 2020a

First, I tested pvget and pvput in linux terminal, then moved to python and Matlab for each step. It works without problem for the NTScalar and NTScalarArray types. But I don't know how to implement for NTTable type. I will put more information below.

Python script to run an NTTable PV for the test,
# Python script to generate NTTable
from p4p.nt import NTTable, NTScalar
from p4p.server import Server, ServerOperation
from p4p.server.thread import SharedPV

import numpy as np

class Handler(object):
    """ A handler for dealing with put requests to our test PVs """

    def put(self, pv: SharedPV, op: ServerOperation) -> None:
        """ Called each time a client issues a put operation on the channel using this handler """

table_type = NTTable([("name", "s"), ("number", "d")])
table_rows = []
table_rows.append({"name": "device_1", "number": 1.1})
table_rows.append({"name": "device_2", "number": 1.2})
initial_table = table_type.wrap(table_rows)
table_pv = SharedPV(nt=table_type, initial=initial_table, handler=Handler())
server = Server.forever(providers=[{"TEST:TBL": table_pv}])

In the Linux terminal, pvget and pvput work as expected,
$ pvget TEST:TBL
TEST:TBL 2022-10-25 13:36:05.662    
    name number
device_1    1.1
device_2    1.2

$ pvput TEST:TBL value.name="[test1, test2]" value.number="[10, 20]"
Old : 2022-10-25 13:36:05.662    
    name number
device_1    1.1
device_2    1.2
New : 2022-10-25 14:18:32.990    
 name number
test1     10
test2     20

In the Python command line, work fine; but pvget doesn't show a whole table.
>>> from p4p.client.thread import Context
>>> MatP4P = Context('pva')
>>> MatP4P.get('TEST:TBL')
Value(id:epics:nt/NTTable:1.0, Value(['device_1', 'device_2']))     # <== P4P doesn't show whole information such as in linux terminal

>>> MatP4P.put('TEST:TBL', {'value.name':['test1', 'test2'],'value.number':[10,20]})
>>> MatP4P.get('TEST:TBL')                            
Value(id:epics:nt/NTTable:1.0, Value(['test1', 'test2']))

In Matlab command line, pvput shows error message. Due to the colon operator.
>> MatP4P = py.p4p.client.thread.Context('pva')

MatP4P = 

  Python Context with properties:

       conf: [1×1 py.builtin_function_or_method]
    hurryUp: [1×1 py.builtin_function_or_method]
       name: [1×3 py.str]

    <p4p.client.thread.Context object at 0x7f137bbbff40>

>> MatP4P.get('TEST:TBL')

ans = 

  Python Value with no properties.

    struct "epics:nt/NTTable:1.0" {
        string[] labels = {2}["name", "number"]
        struct {
            string[] name = {2}["device_1", "device_2"]
            double[] number = {2}[1.1, 1.2]
        } value
        string descriptor = ""
        struct "alarm_t" {
            int32_t severity = 0
            int32_t status = 0
            string message = ""
        } alarm
        struct "time_t" {
            int64_t secondsPastEpoch = 1666730165
            int32_t nanoseconds = 662142992
            int32_t userTag = 0
        } timeStamp

>> MatP4P.put('TEST:TBL', {'value.name': ['test1', 'test2'], 'value.number': [10, 20]})
Warning: Colon operands must be real scalars. 
Error using  : 
For colon operator with char operands, first and last operands must be char.

Does anybody have a similar experience to mine? Any comments or advice will be appreciated. Since my Matlab version is 2020a, I cannot use pyrun or pyrunfile for now. Thank you.

Best regards,

Re: P4P usage for the pvget and pvput for the NTTable in Matlab Michael Davidsaver via Tech-talk

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