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Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Phoebus: Find/Replace and Write XML file
From: "Kasemir, Kay via Tech-talk" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>, 吴煊 <wux at ihep.ac.cn>
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2022 14:27:56 +0000
> Is there "Find/Replace" function still in phoebus? It's very useful for replacing pv names or other things in CSS. Another question I'd like to ask:how to create and write XML file in phoebus? I haven't see it in display builder examples. Any advice or suggestions will be grately appretiated

Yes, one advantage of the XML file format is that it allows creating or modifying theses files outside of the graphical editor.
We don't try to include a complete XML editor in phoebus, but you can easily add an OS-specific editor to the context menu so that you can then open a display file from the phoebus file browser via the context menu.

For example, on Linux you can add a reference to the plain "gedit" text editor like this, so it can then be used to open *.bob or *.opi files and for example perform PV name replacements:

org.phoebus.framework.workbench/external_app_text=Text Editor,txt|dat|tab|py|ini|def|db|xml|xsl|css|cmd|sh|st|log|out|md|tex|shp|bob|opi|pvs|edl,gedit

You could also register VS code or another more XML-aware editor just for *.bob like that.

For a general python package that generates display files outside of phoebus, see https://github.com/als-epics/phoebusgen


Re: Re: [EXTERNAL] Phoebus: Find/Replace and Write XML file 吴煊 via Tech-talk
Phoebus: Find/Replace and Write XML file 吴煊 via Tech-talk

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