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Subject: Re: Help: Asyn record getting incomplete input
From: Mark Rivers via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: "tech-talk at aps.anl.gov" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>, "Marco A. Barra Montevechi Filho" <marco.filho at lnls.br>
Cc: SWC <swc at lnls.br>
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2023 13:56:40 +0000
Hi Marco,

> But i just get a small part of the table, which start right but just cuts out after some chars. It seems to always cut at 860 chars. I tried messing with IMAX but this doesnt seem to be the problem. 

This is the error you get:

epics> 2023/01/09 09:40:39.129 PIInterface::sendAndReceive error calling writeRead, output=4 status=3, error=asynManager::queueLockPort queueRequest timed out

Note that the error is that queueLockPort timed out.  That means that someone else has the port locked for longer than the timeout, probably the motor driver.

You said:

> Since im not trying to actually control the motor for now but just get some information from it, i didnt even load the motor records.

But you did load the motor driver itself, so it is polling the controller:

PI_GCS2_CreateController("E873", "E873_ETH", 1, 0, 0, 50, 1000)

In order to understand what is going on you should uncomment these lines:


and change them to this:


You might want to comment out the line that starts the controller to see if you still have problems.


From: Tech-talk <tech-talk-bounces at aps.anl.gov> on behalf of Marco A. Barra Montevechi Filho via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Sent: Monday, January 9, 2023 6:44 AM
To: tech-talk at aps.anl.gov <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Cc: SWC <swc at lnls.br>
Subject: Help: Asyn record getting incomplete input
Hello all and happy new year 🙂

We are using an IOC to control an E873 motor controller from Physik Instrumente (PI) with the gcs commands. The IOC comes from the motor-R7-1 motorPIGCS2-R1-1 module (synApps/R6.1/support/motor-R7-1/modules/motorPIGCS2-R1-1/iocs/pigcs2IOC).

We want to query some data from the controller using GCS commands that work in a common python socket script. For that we ended up setting an asyn record to the same asyn port that the motor module uses, so the st.cmd file looks something like (I append the full IOC initialization log at the end):


PI_GCS2_CreateController("E873", "E873_ETH", 1, 0, 0, 50, 1000)


Since im not trying to actually control the motor for now but just get some information from it, i didnt even load the motor records.

When the IOC is disconnected, i have a python script that does:

import socket, time
so = socket.socket()

and it retrieves an enormous table, which is what i want.
Im trying to retrieve the same information from the aynPort:

dbpf MGN:A:E873:DIAG:A:asynEth.OEOS "\n"
dbpf MGN:A:E873:DIAG:A:asynEth.IFMT 2
dbpf MGN:A:E873:DIAG:A:asynEth.IEOS ""
dbpf MGN:A:E873:DIAG:A:asynEth.AOUT "DRR?
#(wait some time...)
dbgf MGN:A:E873:DIAG:A:asynEth.BINP

But i just get a small part of the table, which start right but just cuts out after some chars. It seems to always cut at 860 chars. I tried messing with IMAX but this doesnt seem to be the problem. 

Is there anything im doing wrong? Thanks in advance.

Attached file "python.txt" is table acquired with python socket. "asyn.txt" is table acquired with asyn. I noticed the acquisition is not always perfect in python too, but its far better than with asyn record.

Full IOC init log (and dbgf in .BINP made manually by me):

< /usr/local/epics/apps/pigcs2IOC/iocBoot/iocPIGCS2/envPaths
cd "/usr/local/epics-nfs/modules/R3.15.6/synApps/R6.1/support/motor-R7-1/modules/motorPIGCS2-R1-1/iocs/pigcs2IOC"
## Set up environment
epicsEnvSet("BL", "MGN:A:E873:DIAG:A")
epicsEnvSet("IOCNAME", "MGN-A-E873A-DIAG-A")
# protocol file paths
epicsEnvSet ("STREAM_PROTOCOL_PATH", ".:/usr/local/epics-nfs/modules/R3.15.6/synApps/R6.1/support/motor-R7-1/db")
## Register all support components
dbLoadDatabase "dbd/pigcs2.dbd"
pigcs2_registerRecordDeviceDriver pdbbase
cd "/usr/local/epics-nfs/modules/R3.15.6/synApps/R6.1/support/motor-R7-1/modules/motorPIGCS2-R1-1/iocs/pigcs2IOC/iocBoot/iocPIGCS2"
## motorUtil (allstop & alldone)
dbLoadRecords("/usr/local/epics-nfs/modules/R3.15.6/synApps/R6.1/support/motor-R7-1/db/motorUtil.db", "P=MGN:A:E873:DIAG:A:")
# PI GCS2 support
# Turn on asyn trace
# PI_GCS2_CreateController(portName, asynPort, numAxes, priority, stackSize, movingPollingRate, idlePollingRate)
# speedup debug
PI_GCS2_CreateController("E873", "E873_ETH", 1, 0, 0, 50, 1000)
2023/01/09 09:40:33.436 read from E873_ETH: (c)2016-2020 Physik Instrumente (PI) GmbH & Co. KG, E-873.1AT, 120040762, 03.033
PIasynAxis::PIasynAxis() 0: 1
----------------- axis num: 0 createCLParams() m_szAxisName: 1-------------------
# Turn off asyn trace
# Set end-of-string terminators (port, addr, terminator)
asynOctetSetInputEos("E873_ETH", 0, "\n")
asynOctetSetOutputEos("E873_ETH", 0, "\n")
# asyn record for troubleshooting
# Old IMAX in next line was 256. Might be convenient to revert value.
dbLoadRecords("/usr/local/epics-nfs/apps/recsync/1.4_epics_3.15/client/db/reccaster.db", "P=MGN:A:E873:DIAG:A:REC:")
Starting iocInit
## EPICS R3.15.6
## EPICS Base built Sep 27 2021
cas warning: Configured TCP port was unavailable.
cas warning: Using dynamically assigned TCP port 41815,
cas warning: but now two or more servers share the same UDP port.
cas warning: Depending on your IP kernel this server may not be
cas warning: reachable with UDP unicast (a host's IP in EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST)
iocRun: All initialization complete
## motorUtil (allstop & alldone)
# Boot complete
# fix, PI default is '\r'
dbpf "MGN:A:E873:DIAG:A:asynEth.OEOS" "\n"
DBR_STRING:          "\n"    
dbpf "MGN:A:E873:DIAG:A:asynEth.IEOS" "\n"
DBR_STRING:          "\n"    
dbpf MGN:A:E873:DIAG:A:asynEth.IFMT 2
DBR_STRING:          "Binary"
dbpf MGN:A:E873:DIAG:A:asynEth.IEOS ""
dbpf MGN:A:E873:DIAG:A:asynEth.AOUT "DRR?"
DBR_STRING:          "DRR?"  
epics> 2023/01/09 09:40:39.129 PIInterface::sendAndReceive error calling writeRead, output=4 status=3, error=asynManager::queueLockPort queueRequest timed out
dbgf MGN:A:E873:DIAG:A:asynEth.BINP
epics> 2023/01/09 09:40:44.130 PIGCSController:sendAndReceive error calling write, output=POS? 1 status=3, error=asynManager::queueLockPort queueRequest timed out
dbgf MGN:A:E873:DIAG:A:asynEth.BINP
 "# REM E-873
# TYPE = 1
# DIM = 4
# S" +
 "AMPLE_TIME = 0.00050
# NDATA = 7616
# NAME0 = Commanded Position of Ax" +
 "is  AXIS:1
# NAME1 = Actual Position of Axis  AXIS:1
# NAME2 = Motor Curr" +
 "ent  AXIS:1
# NAME3 = Signal Status Register of Axis  AXIS:1
# END_HEA" +
-0.000001 0.000001 -0.0015 36877
-0.000001 -0.000001 -0.0015 36877
-" +
 "0.000001 -0.000001 -0.0015 36877
-0.000001 -0.000001 -0.0015 36877
-0.000" +
 "001 -0.000001 -0.0015 36877
-0.000001 0.000000 -0.0015 36877
-0.000001 0." +
 "000001 -0.0015 36877
-0.000001 -0.000001 -0.0015 36877
-0.000001 -0.00000" +
 "1 -0.0015 36877
-0.000001 -0.000001 -0.0015 36877
-0.000001 -0.000001 -0." +
 "0015 36877
-0.000001 0.000001 -0.0015 36877
-0.000001 0.000001 -0.0015 36" +
-0.000001 0.000000 -0.0015 36877
-0.000001 0"      
epics> dbpf "MGN:A:E873:DIAG:A:asynEth.AOUT" "POS? 1"
DBR_STRING:          "POS? 1"
epics> dbgf MGN:A:E873:DIAG:A:asynEth.BINP
DBR_CHAR[11]:        "1=0.000001

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Re: Help: Asyn record getting incomplete input Marco A. Barra Montevechi Filho via Tech-talk
Help: Asyn record getting incomplete input Marco A. Barra Montevechi Filho via Tech-talk

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