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Subject: RE: areadetector on windows, xml2
From: Mark Rivers via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: William Kirstaedter <kirstaedter at fhi-berlin.mpg.de>, tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2023 19:17:25 +0000

Hi William,


I just tested building xml2Src and it worked fine for me.


This is an abbreviated version of the build output.



J:\epics\devel\areaDetector\ADSupport\supportApp\xml2Src>make clean

perl -CSD -MExtUtils::Command -e rm_rf O.windows-x64 O.Common



perl -CSD H:/epics-devel/base-7.0.7/bin/windows-x64/makeMakefile.pl O.windows-x64 ../../..

perl -CSD -MExtUtils::Command -e mkpath O.Common

make -C O.windows-x64 -f ../Makefile TOP=../../.. \

    T_A=windows-x64 install

make[1]: Entering directory 'J:/epics/devel/areaDetector/ADSupport/supportApp/xml2Src/O.windows-x64'

perl -CSD H:/epics-devel/base-7.0.7/bin/windows-x64/mkmf.pl  -m nanohttp_stream.d -I. -I../O.Common -I. -I. -I../os/WIN32 -I../os/default -I.. -I../../../include/compiler/msvc -I../../../include/os/WIN32 -I../../../include      -IJ:/epics/devel/asyn-4-43/include     -IJ:/epics/devel/areaDetector-3-12-1/ADSupport/include/os/WIN32 -IJ:/epics/devel/areaDetector-3-12-1/ADSupport/include   -IJ:/epics/devel/areaDetector-3-12-1/ADCore/include -IH:/epics-devel/base-7.0.7/include/compiler/msvc -IH:/epics-devel/base-7.0.7/include/os/WIN32 -IH:/epics-devel/base-7.0.7/include        nanohttp_stream.obj ../nanohttp_stream.c

perl -CSD H:/epics-devel/base-7.0.7/bin/windows-x64/mkmf.pl  -m xmlstring.d -I. -I../O.Common -I. -I. -I../os/WIN32 -I../os/default -I.. -I../../../include/compiler/msvc -I../../../include/os/WIN32 -I../../../include      -IJ:/epics/devel/asyn-4-43/include     -IJ:/epics/devel/areaDetector-3-12-1/ADSupport/include/os/WIN32 -IJ:/epics/devel/areaDetector-3-12-1/ADSupport/include   -IJ:/epics/devel/areaDetector-3-12-1/ADCore/include -IH:/epics-devel/base-7.0.7/include/compiler/msvc -IH:/epics-devel/base-7.0.7/include/os/WIN32 -IH:/epics-devel/base-7.0.7/include        xmlstring.obj ../xmlstring.c

cl               -nologo -FC -D__STDC__=0 -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE    -Ox -GL -Oy-   -W3     -DPIC -DNOLIBTOOL -DHAVE_ZLIB_H -DWIN32    -MD -DEPICS_BUILD_DLL -DEPICS_CALL_DLL    -I. -I../O.Common -I. -I. -I../os/WIN32 -I../os/default -I.. -I../../../include/compiler/msvc -I../../../include/os/WIN32 -I../../../include      -IJ:/epics/devel/asyn-4-43/include     -IJ:/epics/devel/areaDetector-3-12-1/ADSupport/include/os/WIN32 -IJ:/epics/devel/areaDetector-3-12-1/ADSupport/include   -IJ:/epics/devel/areaDetector-3-12-1/ADCore/include -IH:/epics-devel/base-7.0.7/include/compiler/msvc -IH:/epics-devel/base-7.0.7/include/os/WIN32 -IH:/epics-devel/base-7.0.7/include        -c ../catalog.c


link -nologo -subsystem:windows -dll -LTCG -incremental:no -opt:ref -release  -MACHINE:X64      -out:xml2.dll -implib:xml2.lib     buf.obj c14n.obj catalog.obj chvalid.obj debugXML.obj dict.obj DOCBparser.obj encoding.obj entities.obj error.obj globals.obj hash.obj HTMLparser.obj HTMLtree.obj legacy.obj list.obj nanoftp.obj nanohttp.obj parser.obj parserInternals.obj pattern.obj relaxng.obj SAX2.obj SAX.obj schematron.obj threads.obj tree.obj uri.obj valid.obj xinclude.obj xlink.obj xmlIO.obj xmlmemory.obj xmlreader.obj xmlregexp.obj xmlmodule.obj xmlsave.obj xmlschemas.obj xmlschemastypes.obj xmlunicode.obj xmlwriter.obj xpath.obj xpointer.obj xmlstring.obj        ../../../lib/windows-x64/zlib.lib ws2_32.lib

   Creating library xml2.lib and object xml2.exp

Generating code

Finished generating code

cl               -nologo -FC -D__STDC__=0 -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE    -Ox -GL -Oy-   -W3     -DPIC -DNOLIBTOOL -DHAVE_ZLIB_H -DWIN32    -MD -DEPICS_BUILD_DLL -DEPICS_CALL_DLL    -I. -I../O.Common -I. -I. -I../os/WIN32 -I../os/default -I.. -I../../../include/compiler/msvc -I../../../include/os/WIN32 -I../../../include      -IJ:/epics/devel/asyn-4-43/include     -IJ:/epics/devel/areaDetector-3-12-1/ADSupport/include/os/WIN32 -IJ:/epics/devel/areaDetector-3-12-1/ADSupport/include   -IJ:/epics/devel/areaDetector-3-12-1/ADCore/include -IH:/epics-devel/base-7.0.7/include/compiler/msvc -IH:/epics-devel/base-7.0.7/include/os/WIN32 -IH:/epics-devel/base-7.0.7/include        -c ../nanohttp_stream.c


make[1]: Circular xml2.lib <- nanohttp_stream.dll dependency dropped.

"Installing shared library ../../../bin/windows-x64/xml2.dll"

"Installing library ../../../lib/windows-x64/xml2.lib"

link -nologo -subsystem:windows -dll -LTCG -incremental:no -opt:ref -release  -MACHINE:X64      -out:nanohttp_stream.dll -implib:nanohttp_stream.lib    nanohttp_stream.obj buf.obj c14n.obj catalog.obj chvalid.obj debugXML.obj dict.obj DOCBparser.obj encoding.obj entities.obj error.obj globals.obj hash.obj HTMLparser.obj HTMLtree.obj legacy.obj list.obj nanoftp.obj nanohttp.obj parser.obj parserInternals.obj pattern.obj relaxng.obj SAX2.obj SAX.obj schematron.obj threads.obj tree.obj uri.obj valid.obj xinclude.obj xlink.obj xmlIO.obj xmlmemory.obj xmlreader.obj xmlregexp.obj xmlmodule.obj xmlsave.obj xmlschemas.obj xmlschemastypes.obj xmlunicode.obj xmlwriter.obj xpath.obj xpointer.obj xmlstring.obj       ../../../lib/windows-x64/xml2.lib  ../../../lib/windows-x64/zlib.lib ws2_32.lib

   Creating library nanohttp_stream.lib and object nanohttp_stream.exp

Generating code

Finished generating code

"Installing shared library ../../../bin/windows-x64/nanohttp_stream.dll"

"Installing library ../../../lib/windows-x64/nanohttp_stream.lib"

make[1]: Leaving directory 'J:/epics/devel/areaDetector/ADSupport/supportApp/xml2Src/O.windows-x64'



Note that it first build xml2.lib and xml2.dll and then built nanohttp.stream.lib and .dll.


The only reason it would not do this is if you have not defined XML2_EXTERNAL=NO.


  • I haven't configured CONFIG_SITE.local at all - NO seems to be the default. (?)


Did you install CONFIG_SITE.local from EXAMPLE_CONFIG_SITE.local as explained in the InstallGuide?  https://areadetector.github.io/master/install_guide.html#release-and-config-files


I think the behavior you see can only be explained if you don’t have an areaDetector/configure/CONFIG_SITE.local file at all, or if you do have that file but have modified it from EXAMPLE_CONFIG_SITE.local. 


EXAMPLE_CONFIG_SITE.local does define XML2_EXTERNAL=NO in this line: https://github.com/areaDetector/areaDetector/blob/78fae55898b9028e756eb080367cd6aad8913b54/configure/EXAMPLE_CONFIG_SITE.local#L115





From: William Kirstaedter <kirstaedter at fhi-berlin.mpg.de>
Sent: Thursday, March 9, 2023 10:38 AM
To: Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>; tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Subject: Re: areadetector on windows, xml2


Hi Mark,

  • Is XML2_EXTERNAL defined to be NO in areaDetector/configure/CONFIG_SITE.local?

I haven't configured CONFIG_SITE.local at all - NO seems to be the default. (?)

  • Just before you get that error do you see xml2.lib being built?  Does it exist in the ADSupport/lib/windows-x64 directory?

no, and no.

thanks for helping :)

William Kirstaedter (PP&B)

Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG

Faradayweg 4-6

14195 Berlin

Tel: 030 8413 5405

Mail: kirstaedter at fhi-berlin.mpg.de

Am 07.03.2023 um 13:43 schrieb Mark Rivers:

  • Is XML2_EXTERNAL defined to be NO in areaDetector/configure/CONFIG_SITE.local?
  • Just before you get that error do you see xml2.lib being built?  Does it exist in the ADSupport/lib/windows-x64 directory?

Re: areadetector on windows, xml2 William Kirstaedter via Tech-talk
areadetector on windows, xml2 William Kirstaedter via Tech-talk
Re: areadetector on windows, xml2 Mark Rivers via Tech-talk
Re: areadetector on windows, xml2 William Kirstaedter via Tech-talk

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