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Subject: Windows 10 LNK1181 error on xml2.lib
From: Abdalla Ahmad via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: "tech-talk at aps.anl.gov" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2023 05:40:00 +0000



I am trying to compile an ADPcoWin IOC on a Windows 10 host (EPICS Base 3.15.6 and master branches for all modules), basically the compilation for all modules is straightforward, but when compiling the IOC, I got the following error:


LNK1181: cannot open input file 'xml2.lib'


Linux systems I get the similar linker error (Cannot find –lxml2) whenever which is resolved by adding the ADSupport/lib/linux-x86_64 to LD_LIBRARY_PATH but on Windows 10 it is a different story. In my configure/CONFIG_STE I have XML2_EXTERNAL=NO, In my iocApp/src/Makefile, I included the ADCore/ADApp/commonDriverMakefile to properly link with all components of AD, the “link” command even points to ADSupport/lib/linux-x86_64, and the windows PATH variable points to the same location but still I get the same LNK1181 issue. As a workaround, I had to remove the XML2 check from the commonDriverMakefile and the IOC compiled successfully. What would be the issue with the XML2 library?


Best Regards,



Abdalla Al-Dalleh

Control Engineer

SESAME (Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East)
P.O. Box 7, Allan 19252, Jordan
Tel: +96253511348 , ext. 265

Fax: +96253511423

abdalla.ahmad at sesame.org.jo



Re: Windows 10 LNK1181 error on xml2.lib Ralph Lange via Tech-talk
RE: Windows 10 LNK1181 error on xml2.lib Mark Rivers via Tech-talk

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