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Subject: Re: Failed to build archiver appliance
From: Jörn Dreyer via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: "tech-talk at aps.anl.gov" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Cc: "Shankar, Murali" <mshankar at slac.stanford.edu>, Sky Brewer <sky.brewer at ess.eu>
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2024 10:37:29 +0100
Hi Sky,

after a long struggle I found out that the war files where build correctly, but not properly deployed by the deployMultipleTomcats.py script.
This creates only the directories and copies the default apps from the tomcat distribution folder. Once tomcat gets started the war files
are not automatically  deployed, at least by tomcat 9.0.85! The full installation is only done by the singe_machine_install.sh script. This creates the deployRelease.sh script which does the necessary unpacking on the war files into the sub directories. 

In this point the documentation for developers could be improved. It shows in the Deploy section how to copy the war files, but the unpacking step is missing.
It should be mentioned that one should first have a full setup done with single_machine_install.sh before installing from a development directory.

As the single_machiene_install.sh script is interactive using zenity, I can not use it in my ansible based setup.

Now everything is working (based on the 1.0.1 branch). 



Am Mittwoch, 14. Februar 2024, 09:52:18 CET schrieb Sky Brewer via Tech-talk:
> Hi Jörn,
> Can you be more specific about the problem? When you start up the archiver do you see any messages in the logs (Catalina.out files or what you specify in the log4j2.xml file default being logs/arch.log and Syslog).
> After building the project with ./gradlew the distribution of the project should be found in “build/distributions”. The ui for the mgmt. service is then in the mgmt.war inside the archappl-{version}.tar.gz inside the ui folder.
> You should have something like:
> ls ui/
> appliance.html  css         integration.html  pvdetails.html  storage.html
> cacompare.html  help        js                redirect.html
> comm            index.html  metrics.html      reports.html
> Let me know if you have any other questions or what documentation should be updated to make this clearer.
> Thanks
> Sky

Re: Failed to build archiver appliance Sky Brewer via Tech-talk

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