Dear all,
I am working onan Asyn Port driver using with asynR4-42 on a Linux machine. Am trying to add timing support for Output record
using TSE=-2 and
and info(asyn:READBACK, "1"). When I caget an output PV with TSE=-2 after caput to it the time obtained is <undefined> though the value is well written to the device.
A camonitor on a PV with TSE=-2 and info(asyn:READBACK, "1") show an <undefined> time too though the read value is correct. I would like to associate the device timestamp to the record for output readback, and the current time return by epicsTimeGetCurrent to the record after a caput. In my poller thread this is how I set the time stamp:
epicsUInt32 seconds = 0;
epicsUInt32 microsecs = 0;
epicsTimeStamp time;
sscanf( timeStampLastChanged/*hardware time string*, "%u.%u", &seconds, µsecs ) != 2 )
time.secPastEpoch = seconds - POSIX_TIME_AT_EPICS_EPOCH;
time.nsec = microsecs * 100000;
pasynUser->timestamp = time;
Thanks in advance.