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osiSock.h File Reference

Platform independent socket support library API. More...

#include "libComAPI.h"
#include "osdSock.h"
#include "ellLib.h"
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union  osiSockAddr
 Union to switch between sockaddr_in and sockaddr. More...
struct  osiSockAddrNode
 Stores a list of socket addresses. More...


enum  epicsSocketSystemCallInterruptMechanismQueryInfo { esscimqi_socketCloseRequired, esscimqi_socketBothShutdownRequired, esscimqi_socketSigAlarmRequired }
 Enum specifying how to interrupt a blocking socket system call. More...


LIBCOM_API SOCKET epicsStdCall epicsSocketCreate (int domain, int type, int protocol)
 Create a socket object. More...
LIBCOM_API int epicsStdCall epicsSocketAccept (int sock, struct sockaddr *pAddr, osiSocklen_t *addrlen)
 Accept a connection on a listening stream socket. More...
LIBCOM_API void epicsStdCall epicsSocketDestroy (SOCKET)
 Close and free resources held by a SOCKET object. More...
LIBCOM_API void epicsStdCall epicsSocketEnableAddressReuseDuringTimeWaitState (SOCKET s)
 Allows a socket to bind ignoring other sockets in TIME_WAIT state. More...
LIBCOM_API void epicsStdCall epicsSocketEnableAddressUseForDatagramFanout (SOCKET s)
 Allows multiple sockets to use the same family, local address, and local port. More...
epicsSocketSystemCallInterruptMechanismQuery ()
 Query what approach to use to interrupt blocking socket calls. More...
LIBCOM_API unsigned epicsStdCall sockAddrToA (const struct sockaddr *paddr, char *pBuf, unsigned bufSize)
 Convert socket address to ASCII. More...
LIBCOM_API unsigned epicsStdCall ipAddrToA (const struct sockaddr_in *pInetAddr, char *pBuf, unsigned bufSize)
 Convert IP address to ASCII. More...
LIBCOM_API unsigned epicsStdCall sockAddrToDottedIP (const struct sockaddr *paddr, char *pBuf, unsigned bufSize)
 Convert to raw dotted IP address with trailing port. More...
LIBCOM_API unsigned epicsStdCall ipAddrToDottedIP (const struct sockaddr_in *paddr, char *pBuf, unsigned bufSize)
 Convert to raw dotted IP address with trailing port. More...
LIBCOM_API unsigned epicsStdCall ipAddrToHostName (const struct in_addr *pAddr, char *pBuf, unsigned bufSize)
 Convert inet address to a host name string. More...
LIBCOM_API int epicsStdCall aToIPAddr (const char *pAddrString, unsigned short defaultPort, struct sockaddr_in *pIP)
 Attempt to convert ASCII string to an IP address. More...
LIBCOM_API int epicsStdCall hostToIPAddr (const char *pHostName, struct in_addr *pIPA)
 Attempt to convert ASCII host name string with optional port to an IP address. More...
LIBCOM_API int epicsStdCall osiSockAttach (void)
 attach to BSD socket library More...
LIBCOM_API void epicsStdCall osiSockRelease (void)
 release BSD socket library More...
LIBCOM_API void epicsSocketConvertErrorToString (char *pBuf, unsigned bufSize, int error)
 convert socket error numbers to a string More...
LIBCOM_API void epicsSocketConvertErrnoToString (char *pBuf, unsigned bufSize)
 Convert the currently set errno to a string. More...
LIBCOM_API int epicsStdCall sockAddrAreIdentical (const osiSockAddr *plhs, const osiSockAddr *prhs)
 Compares two osiSockAddrs. More...
LIBCOM_API void epicsStdCall osiSockDiscoverBroadcastAddresses (ELLLIST *pList, SOCKET socket, const osiSockAddr *pMatchAddr)
 Add available broadcast addresses to a list. More...
LIBCOM_API osiSockAddr epicsStdCall osiLocalAddr (SOCKET socket)

Detailed Description

osiSock library contains platform independent APIs for creating sockets, converting between socket address structures and human readable strings, and configuring sockets.

Definition in file osiSock.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

This enum specifies how to interrupt a blocking socket system call. Fortunately, on most systems the combination of a shutdown of both directions and/or a signal is sufficent to interrupt a blocking send, receive, or connect call. For odd ball systems this is stubbed out in the osi area.


Calling close() required to interrupt.


calling shutdown() for both read and write required to interrupt



Definition at line 121 of file osiSock.h.

Function Documentation

LIBCOM_API SOCKET epicsStdCall epicsSocketCreate ( int  domain,
int  type,
int  protocol 

Ask the operating system to create a socket and return its file descriptor.

domainThe socket domain, e.g. PF_INET
typeThe type of socket, e.g. SOCK_STREAM (tcp) or SOCK_DGRAM (udp)
protocolTypically unused and set to 0.
A file descriptor referring to the socket, or -1 on error.
LIBCOM_API int epicsStdCall epicsSocketAccept ( int  sock,
struct sockaddr *  pAddr,
osiSocklen_t *  addrlen 

epicsSocketAccept is used with connection-based sockets. It takes the next connection request in the queue and returns a new socket that can be used to communicate with the listener.

socksocket with pending connections to accept
pAddrIf not NULL, this socket contains the address of the peer whose connection is being accepted
[in,out]addrlenCaller must initialize this to the length of the structure pointed to by pAddr, or set to NULL if pAddr is NULL. This function will update the value of this parameter to the actual size of the peer address.
A new socket used for communicating with the peer just accepted, or -1 on error.
LIBCOM_API void epicsStdCall epicsSocketDestroy ( SOCKET  )

Close and free resources held by a SOCKET object.

LIBCOM_API void epicsStdCall epicsSocketEnableAddressReuseDuringTimeWaitState ( SOCKET  s)

Allows a socket to bind while other sockets hold the same address and port but are in the TIME_WAIT state. TIME_WAIT is a state where a socket has closed locally, but is waiting to be closed on the remote end. If the remote end doesn't respond, this can block another socket from binding to that address:port for a long time (possibly minutes). This option allows the socket to bind to an address:port combo, even if there's another socket with the same address:port that's waiting for the remote side to close its connection.

See also: Linux's SO_REUSEADDR in setsockopt.

sThe socket to ignore other TIME_WAIT sockets when binding
LIBCOM_API void epicsStdCall epicsSocketEnableAddressUseForDatagramFanout ( SOCKET  s)

Allows multiple sockets to use the same family, local address, and port. By having multiple sockets open with this setting enabled, the OS will distribute the datagrams (for UDP sockets) or connection requests (for TCP/stream sockets) among the sockets with this option set. Note that all sockets binding to the same address and port must have this option set.

As an example, this option could be a way to implement a form of load balancing between multiple threads or processes with sockets bound to the same address:port.

sThe socket to put in "Fanout" mode (aka REUSEPORT mode)
LIBCOM_API enum epicsSocketSystemCallInterruptMechanismQueryInfo epicsSocketSystemCallInterruptMechanismQuery ( )

This function tells you what approach to use to interrupt calls blocked on socket operations.

enum representing whether to call close() or shutdown(RW) to interrupt blocking socket syscalls.
LIBCOM_API unsigned epicsStdCall sockAddrToA ( const struct sockaddr *  paddr,
char *  pBuf,
unsigned  bufSize 

Converts a socket address to an ASCII string. Conversion occurs in this order:

  1. look for matching host name and typically add trailing IP port
  2. failing that, convert to raw ascii address (typically this is a dotted IP address with trailing port)
  3. failing that, writes "<Ukn Addr Type>" into pBuf
paddrsockaddr structure to convert to ascii address:port
[out]pBufPointer to the output buffer contantaining the address:port string
bufSizeLength of pBuf array
The number of character elements stored in buffer not including the null termination, but always writes at least a null terminator in the string (if bufSize >= 1)
LIBCOM_API unsigned epicsStdCall ipAddrToA ( const struct sockaddr_in *  pInetAddr,
char *  pBuf,
unsigned  bufSize 

Convert an IP address to an ASCII string. Conversion occurs in this order: 1) look for matching host name and add trailing port 2) convert to raw dotted IP address with trailing port

pInetAddrsockaddr_in structure to convert to address string
[out]pBufPointer to the char array where the address string will be stored
bufSizeLength of the array to which pBuf points
The number of character elements stored in buffer not including the null termination, but always writes at least a null terminator in the string (if bufSize >= 1)
LIBCOM_API unsigned epicsStdCall sockAddrToDottedIP ( const struct sockaddr *  paddr,
char *  pBuf,
unsigned  bufSize 

Convert an address to a raw dotted IP address. Compared to sockAddrToA(), this call will always convert to a raw dotted IP (e.g. and not use host names (e.g. localhost) when available

paddrsockaddr structure containing the node and service info to convert to strings
[out]pBufPointer to a character buffer where the output string will be placed.
bufSizeSize of the array pointed to by pBuf
The number of character elements stored in buffer not including the null termination, but always writes at least a null terminator in the string (if bufSize >= 1)
LIBCOM_API unsigned epicsStdCall ipAddrToDottedIP ( const struct sockaddr_in *  paddr,
char *  pBuf,
unsigned  bufSize 

Convert a sockaddr_in to a raw dotted IP address string with trailing port. Similar to sockAddrToDottedIP but takes a sockaddr_in structure.

paddrsockaddr_in structure containing the node and service info to convert to strings
[out]pBufPointer to a character buffer where the output string will be placed
bufSizeSize of the array pointed to by pBuf
The number of character elements stored in buffer not including the null termination, but always writes at least a null terminator in the string (if bufSize >= 1)
LIBCOM_API unsigned epicsStdCall ipAddrToHostName ( const struct in_addr *  pAddr,
char *  pBuf,
unsigned  bufSize 

Convert an inet address to a host name string. There are many OS specific implementation stubs for this routine

pAddrsockaddr_in structure containing the node and service info to convert to strings
[out]pBufPointer to a character buffer where the output string will be placed
bufSizeSize of the array pointed to by pBuf
the number of character elements stored in buffer not including the null termination. This will be zero if a matching host name cant be found.
LIBCOM_API int epicsStdCall aToIPAddr ( const char *  pAddrString,
unsigned short  defaultPort,
struct sockaddr_in *  pIP 

Attempt to convert ASCII string to an IP address. Conversion occurs this order:

  1. look for traditional doted ip with optional port
  2. look for raw number form of ip address with optional port
  3. look for valid host name with optional port
pAddrStringIP address string to convert to a sockaddr_in (e.g. "")
defaultPortThe default port (service) to use if not specified in pAddrString
[out]pIPPointer to a sockaddr_in where the converted address info will be stored
negative value on error, 0 on success.
LIBCOM_API int epicsStdCall hostToIPAddr ( const char *  pHostName,
struct in_addr *  pIPA 

Convert an in_addr struct to a human readable hostname.

pHostNameASCII host name to convert
[out]pIPAPointer to the in_addr structure where the hostname information will be stored
0 on success, negative on error.
LIBCOM_API int epicsStdCall osiSockAttach ( void  )

Attach to the BSD socket library in preparation for using sockets. If the OS does not require attaching to the socket library, this function does nothing.

true on success, false on error.
LIBCOM_API void epicsStdCall osiSockRelease ( void  )

Release the BSD socket library if the OS requires it. For platforms that do not require attaching and releasing to use the socket library, this function does nothing.

LIBCOM_API void epicsSocketConvertErrorToString ( char *  pBuf,
unsigned  bufSize,
int  error 

There are several system functions which set errno on failure. This function converts that error number into a string describing the error.

[out]pBufPointer to char array where the error string will be stored
bufSizeLength of the array pointed to by pBuf
errorThe error number to describe in string form
LIBCOM_API void epicsSocketConvertErrnoToString ( char *  pBuf,
unsigned  bufSize 

errno is a global integer that gets set when certain functions return an error. This function converts that error value into a string describing the error.

[out]pBufPointer to char array where the error string will be stored
bufSizeLength of the array pointed to by pBuf
LIBCOM_API int epicsStdCall sockAddrAreIdentical ( const osiSockAddr plhs,
const osiSockAddr prhs 

Compares two osiSockAddrs

true if addresses are identical, false otherwise.
LIBCOM_API void epicsStdCall osiSockDiscoverBroadcastAddresses ( ELLLIST pList,
SOCKET  socket,
const osiSockAddr pMatchAddr 

Add available broadcast addresses to a list. This routine is provided with the address of an ELLLIST, a socket, and a match address. When the routine returns there will be one additional entry in the list for each network interface found that is up and isn't a loop back interface (match addr is INADDR_ANY), or only the interfaces that match the specified addresses (match addr is other than INADDR_ANY). If the interface supports broadcasting then add its broadcast address to the list. If the interface is a point to point link then add the destination address of the point to point link to the list.

Any mutex locking required to protect pList is applied externally.


ELLNODE * cur;
SOCKET dummy = epicsSocketCreate(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
memset(&match, 0, sizeof(match));
match.ia.sin_family = AF_INET;
match.ia.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
osiSockDiscoverBroadcastAddresses(&ifaces, dummy, &match);
for (cur = ellFirst(&ifaces); cur; cur = ellNext(cur)) {
char name[64];
node->addr.ia.sin_port = htons(5555);
sockAddrToDottedIP(&node->addr.sa, name, sizeof(name);
fprintf(stderr, "Node is %s", name);
[out]pListPointer to a list where network interfaces will be added as new osiSockAddrNode's
socket(May be unused)
pMatchAddrOnly add addresses that match this address. Use match.ia.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY) to match any address.
The broadcast addresses of each network interface found.
LIBCOM_API osiSockAddr epicsStdCall osiLocalAddr ( SOCKET  socket)

Returns the osiSockAddr of the first non-loopback interface found that is operational (up flag is set). If no valid address can be located then return an osiSockAddr with the address family set to unspecified (AF_UNSPEC).

Unfortunately in EPICS 3.13 beta 11 and before the CA repeater would not always allow the loopback address as a local client address so current clients alternate between the address of the first non-loopback interface found and the loopback address when subscribing with the CA repeater until all CA repeaters have been updated to current code.

After all CA repeaters have been restarted this osi interface can be eliminated.