EPICS - IDL catcher/scanSee Package

In order to build the EPICS extensions tools catcher and scanSee written in IDL language the following four directories must be downloaded.
  • epics/extensions/src/ezca
  • epics/extensions/src/EzcaScan
  • epics/extensions/src/ezcaIDL
  • epics/extensions/src/idl
  • The directory dependency order is shown as above. The sharable library ezcaIDL depends on the ezca and EzcaScan libraries, therefore the ezca and EzcaScan directories must be built before building the ezcaIDL directory. The idl directory consists of many script, utility and widget application programs written in IDL.


    The following documents are available. Textual links are to HTML documents.
    Data Catcher User's Guide (html, pdf, ps) 
    scanSee User's Guide 
    IDL Extensions Tools ... 

    Software Download

    Download the complete CATCHER/SCANSEE Package follow the following link:
     Build R3.1 - Download and installation instructions 
    	(EPICS 3.14.5 and IDL 6.0)  
    	(Tar file created on April 27, 2004)
     Build R2.2.2c9 - Download and installation instructions 
    	(EPICS 3.13... and IDL 5.3-5.6)
    	(Supports WIN, SOLARIS, LINUX)
    	(Tar file updated on April 26, 2004)

    EzcaScan: Array Channel Access Library

    EzcaScan is built on top of EPICS base C Channel Access function calls. It provides a collection of simplified array interface functions to Channel Access, which is useful for some C programs in needing of the capabilities of efficiently getting, putting and monitoring of multiple channel PV names.

    There are wo sample programs caget.c and caput.c showing the C Channel Access array function calls in terms of EzcaScan library functions. When EzcaScan is built these two new tools: caget and caput are automatically built with this EzcaScan sharable library. These new caget and caput can accept single / multiple PV names on the command line.

    In order properly to run tools linked with sharable library, the envrionment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH must include the library path: epics/extensions/lib/$HOST_ARCH, where the value $HOST_ARCH depends on system built.

    Software Download

    The following tar file contains source code only (no binaries), and was compressed using gzip.

    >EzcaScan.Tar.gz -(2009-03-19) Download complete set of epics/extensions/src/EzcaScan programs

    ezcaIDL: CA and IDL interface Sharable Library

    EzcaIDL is built on top of ezca and EzcaScan Channel Access sharable libraries. It provides ezcaIDL.so library and a set of simplified IDL interface commands to connect to Channel Access. It is useful for IDL users for efficiently getting, putting and monitoring of multiple channel access process variables .


    The following documents are available. Textual links are to HTML documents, other formats are indicated by an icon link.

    User's Guide for ezcaIDL by Mark Rivers (7/12/95).

    User's Reference Guide for ezcaIDL
    A channel access package for PvWave / IDL which provides channel access interface routines for single or list of process variables. Original written by Mark Rivers, extended by Ben-chin Cha.

    Software Download

    The following tar file contains source code only (no binaries), and was compressed using gzip.

    ezcaIDL_20050526 - Tar file updated on May 26, 2005

    ezcaIDL_20020802 ezcaIDL_20121212

    IDL: Library of IDL programs

    It consists of whole set of UNIX scripts and IDL widget programs for data catcher, scanSee, image viewers, region of interest program, and many more user friendly IDL programs and object classes.


    A complete set of list of documents for EPICS/IDL extensions programs can be accessed from the following HTML link.

    EPICS/IDL Extensions Tools

    Software Download

    The following tar file contains complete set of epics/extensions/src/idl programs , and was compressed using gzip.

    idl31_20050526 - Tar file for IDL 6.0 and up, updated on May 26, 2005

    idl2c9.Tar.gz - Tar file for IDL 5.3-5.6 and EPICS 3.13.n (WIN,Solaris,Linux)
