- A Python 1D Plot and Analysis Package Written in Matplotlib

by Ben-chin K Cha

Introduction provides python user with a flexible multi-line plot package through using the high quality python plot package matplotlib. It also provide some simple analysis features like polynomial fitting and statistic calculation. The plot window generated by can be easily re-adjusted or saved or sent to printer.

The GUI is implemented through using Tkinter and Pmw. It can handle ASCII or MDA file. It will extract 1D multiple array from any ASCII text file as well as any MDA file. Extracting 1D array from MDA file is obtained by properly handling of the scan data object returned by the readMDA program.

The ASCII file can contain row or column oriented vectors. By default the column oriented vector array is assumed. If the data set is row oriented vector, a user can simply use the 'Row Oriented' entry from Setup menu to convert the row data into column data internally. Any line start with ';' or '#' will be treated as comment and ignored. The text data may or may not contain independent variable vector.

Zero based index sequence number is used in setting up array vectors. By default the first column (0) contains the X vector. The remaining columns starting from the second column (1) contain the dependent variable vectors. User can override the default setting by properly modifying the X or the starting Y sequence index fields.

A collection of sequenced check buttons will be created when the extracted 1D array is loaded in. The total number of check buttons reflects the total number of dependent variables or curves found in file. For each column vector there associates a checkbutton for it. By default only the first two curves are selected for plot a user can easily to change the selections by checkbutton or setup menu.

Please refer plot1d for functions and class methods defined in

Download (0.126MB) A collection of 1D/2D/3D graphic programs for python package

Python System Requirement

In order to make matplotlib python package available to users the following python extension packages are also required. They are already installed for the /APSshare file system.
Operation System libraries reguired:

Python sub-packages reguired:

System Setup Requirement

To access on Unix system, a user only need to do following:
	source /APSshare/setup_apsshare

User Interface

The plot1d.config file is used for easy restart of

The active plot window is the current plot window generated. and it can be easily closed by simply clicking the right mouse button. Closing of current active plot window results that the very last generated plot window becomes the current active plot window.

The main window consists of menu bar, a collection of control label input fields, a row of command buttons area, and a set of various popup dialogs. They are described below:

			File Menu

Load Ascii Data...      - use file selection dialog to pick a file, by default
                          it assumed column oriented data in ASCII file
Print Plot1d.jpg        - created plot1d.jpg and send the color jpg file to a
                          PS printer through program
Printer...              - dialog to override the default PS printer
Quit                    - exit the plot1d program

			Setup Menu

Display Ascii File...   - display text contents of a picked ascii data file
                          to provide convenient varification of column or
                          row data array and plot curves
Row Oriented            - treat ascii file as row oriented data array
Column Oriented         - treat ascii file as column oriented data arrayy
                             (default this is assumed)
Select All Checkbutton  - select all curve check buttons to be plotted
Select None Checkbutton - deselect all checked curve buttons

			PlotOption Menu

Line Style On           - checkbutton for using different line styles
Grid Line On            - checkbutton for drawing grid line
Log Xaxis On            - checkbutton for logarith X axis
Log Yaxis On            - checkbutton for logarith Y axis
Symbol On               - checkbutton whether to plot symbols with curve
Setup Symbol...         - a dialog to modify the default curve symbols

			Legend Menu

Legend On                - checkbutton whether to plot legend or not
Default Legend Location  - a collection of radiobutton to set default
                           legend location
User Legend Location...  - a dialog to set the desired legend location
Setup Legend Labels...   - a dialog to set the legend strings for plotting

			Analysis Menu

Statisic ...    - dialog to setup statistics calulation for desired curve
Fitting ...     - dialog to setup polynomial fitting for desired curve
Histogram ...   - dialog to setup histogram plot for desired curve
Errorbar ...    - dialog to setup errorbar plot for desired curve

			Statistic Dialog

Curve # to Pick:   - droplist field to specify the picked curve number
Close        	- terminate the statistic dialog 
Accept 		- calculate and update statistic info for picked curve
Next 		- calculate and update statistic info for next curve
Prev 		- calculate and update statistic info for previous curve
All... 		- calculate and display statistic for all data curves
Statistic Info  - label area display statistic info of picked data curve

			Polynomial Fitting Dialog

Curve # to be fitted:   - droplist field to specify the curve number
Polynomial order #:     - field to specify order of fitted polynomial
Ok Button               - accept entry fields and performed fitting calculation
Close Button            - terminate the fitting dialog
Output Title            - field to specify the plot title for fitted result
Output Xlabel           - field to specify the plot xlabel for fitted result
Output Ylabel           - field to specify the plot ylabel for fitted result
Output Fitting Coeffs   - field to display coeficients of fitted result

			Help Menu

About ...       - help about the progrm information
Balloon Help    - checkbutton for balloon info about each menu and button
Help Info...    - pops on line help about plot1d program

			Curve Plot Control Label Widgets 

Title           - enter plot title and update current figure
Xlabel          - enter new xlabel and updagte current figure
Ylabel          - enter new ylabel and updagte current figure
Xrange: Xmin    - enter X starting value for plot
Xrange: Xmax    - enter X ending value for plot
Yrange: Ymin    - enter Y starting value for plot
Yrange: Ymax    - enter Y ending value for plot
X Column Seq#   - specify the column seq # for X vector in data array
                  default 0 indicates first column contains X vector
                  use -1 to indicate file contains no X vector
X Row Seq#      - specify the row seq # for X vector in data array
                  default -1 indicates file contains no X vector in file

			Group of Curve Check Buttons 

CheckButtons    - collection of check buttons are created when an ASCII
                  file is loaded in, one button per defined curve
                  By default only first 2 curves are picked, a user can
                  configure the line plot by select/deselect any curve
                  as user prefered

			Command Button Row 

Close           - close and exit the plot1d program
Plot Curves     - plot checked column vectors with current control setting,
                  each time a new multi-line plot window is generated
Subplots        - plot checked column vectors as subplots, at most 9 subplots
                  can be drawn, each time a new subplot window is generated
CloseFigures    - automatically close all plot/figure windows

Example Test Run

Following figure show a 1D text file been loaded in and the file contains 48 columns of data, the first column(0) contains X vector, remaining 47 columns (starting from 2 to 48) contain Y dependent vectors. The curves 2, 4, 6, 23 and 25 are selected.

The Title, Xlabel and Ylabel fields allows the user easily to modify the plot Title, X label and Y label for the current active plot window. For example, to change the plot title by typing the new string in the field and then followed by pressing the carriage return or 'Enter' key.

Please refer the text file plot1d_help.txt


Following figure show the sub-plots of the selected curves: 2,4,6,23,25 generated by pressing the 'Subplots' button.

Multi-line Plot

Following figure show the multi-line plot of the selected curves: 2,4,6,23,25 generated by pressing the 'Plot Curves' button.


Following figure show the statistic information of curve # 2 by using the Analysis->Statistic... dialog.


Following two figures show the setting of dialog of Analysis->Fitting... and the fitting result of curve # 2 with order 4 polynomial.


Following two figures show the setting of dialog of Analysis->Histogram... and the result of histogram plot of 20 bins of curve # 2.


Following two figures show the setting of dialog of Analysis->Errorbar... and the result of 10% errorbar plot of curve # 2.