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Subject: V4 design issue: Should primitive data types have well defined precisions?
From: Marty Kraimer <[email protected]>
To: EPICS Core Talk <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 06:27:02 -0500
Without agreement on the answer to the following question, it is hard to see how we can agree on much else in epics V4.

Should primitive data types have well defined precisions?

epicsTypes says yes.
The only primitive types are:
For integer types it has epicsInt16, epicsInt32, and epicsInt64
It supports epicsFloat32, epicsFloat64
It also has epicsBoolean and epicsOctet

dataAccess says no.
for integer types it supports signed and unsigned char, short, int, and long
it supports float and double
For array bounds it uses size_t.
For arguments of methods it often just uses "unsigned".

I will provide my opinion in a separate message

Re: V4 design issue: Should primitive data types have well defined precisions? Marty Kraimer
RE: Puts Dalesio, Leo `Bob`
hello world examples Marty Kraimer
Re: hello world examples Ralph Lange
Re: hello world examples Marty Kraimer
Re: hello world examples Ralph Lange

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