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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Re: dbl output and record name aliases
From: Michael Davidsaver <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 12:47:03 -0500
I'd argue against changing the output format of 'dbl'.  It would break
too much stuff.

Would something like dbDumpRecord include what you want?  It calls
dbWriteRecordFP() which prints alias() and info().

> dbDumpRecord pdbbase
> record(ao,"LN-TS{EVR:1B}Time:Clock-SP") {
>         field(DESC,"Timestamp tick rate")
>         field(DTYP,"Obj Prop double")
>         field(UDF,"0")
>         field(FLNK,"LN-TS{EVR:1B}Time:Clock-I")
>         field(OUT,"@OBJ=EVR2, PROP=Timestamp Clock")
>         field(PREC,"3")
>         field(LINR,"LINEAR")
>         field(EGU,"MHz")
>         field(ESLO,"1.0e-06")
>         field(DRVH,"150")
>         field(HOPR,"150")
>         info("autosaveFields_pass0","VAL EGU ESLO HOPR LOPR DRVH DRVL PREC")
> }
> alias("LN-TS{EVR:1B-DlyGen:5}Delay-SP","LN-BI{ACMI:SYS}Delay-SP")

dbl output and record name aliases Ralph Lange
Re: dbl output and record name aliases Kasemir, Kay

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