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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Re: 64-bit records
From: "Williams Jr., Ernest L. via Core-talk" <[email protected]>
To: Timo Korhonen <[email protected]>
Cc: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2019 15:58:03 +0000

Hi Timo,

Response below

From: [email protected] <[email protected]> on behalf of Timo Korhonen via Core-talk <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 8, 2019 3:08 AM
To: EPICS Core Talk
Subject: 64-bit records
Hi all,

I made a quick try to use the 64-bit record types (int64in/int64out) with base 7.0.2.

Trying to pvget the record, I get the following message on the IOC console:

epics> 2019-01-08T11:43:50.309 an exception caught while in receiveThread at ../../src/remote/codec.cpp:1144: Unsupported DBR code

And pvget times out. With caget, I can read the value but as expected, I do not get the 64-bit integer (because ca does not support it, obviously). 

Any ideas? Maybe I am missing some configuration, but I could not figure out from the release notes if I needed to do something extra.

This is on Mac OSX El Capitan, 10.11.6. I can try other platforms later but at the first sight this does not appear to be a platform-specific issue.

>>>>:  ELW:

I would also like to try this on my platforms here at SLAC.

Can you share what you have for your IOC?

E.g.  <TOP>/xxxApp/src/Makefile



ernesto@localhost  (7.0) $ pwd 
ernesto@localhost  (7.0) $ grep int64in * 
devSoft.dbd:device(int64in,CONSTANT,devI64inSoft,"Soft Channel") 
devSoft.dbd:device(int64in,CONSTANT,devI64inSoftCallback,"Async Soft Channel") 
int64inRecord.dbd:recordtype(int64in) { 
softIoc.dbd:recordtype(int64in) { 
softIoc.dbd:device(int64in, CONSTANT, devI64inSoft, "Soft Channel") 
softIoc.dbd:device(int64in, CONSTANT, devI64inSoftCallback, "Async Soft Channel") 
softIocPVA.dbd:recordtype(int64in) { 
softIocPVA.dbd:device(int64in, CONSTANT, devI64inSoft, "Soft Channel") 
softIocPVA.dbd:device(int64in, CONSTANT, devI64inSoftCallback, "Async Soft Channel") 
stdRecords.dbd:include "int64inRecord.dbd" 
ernesto@localhost  (7.0) $ 



Re: 64-bit records Michael Davidsaver via Core-talk
64-bit records Timo Korhonen via Core-talk

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