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Subject: Re: 'Request' support in qsrv
From: Marty Kraimer via Core-talk <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2019 16:51:17 -0500
On 1/10/19 9:22 AM, Kasemir, Kay via Core-talk wrote:

Is it possible that qsrv doesn't fully use the request information?

When I introspect and read a PV provided by the SNS neutron data server or the area detector NVPluginPVA, I can request specific fields:

$ pvinfo neutrons
neutrons structure
     time_t timeStamp
         long secondsPastEpoch
         int nanoseconds
         int userTag
     epics:nt/NTScalar:1.0 proton_charge
         double value
     epics:nt/NTScalarArray:1.0 time_of_flight
         uint[] value
     epics:nt/NTScalarArray:1.0 pixel
         uint[] value

$ pvget -r 'field(proton_charge)' neutrons
neutrons structure
     epics:nt/NTScalar:1.0 proton_charge
         double value 1e+08

$ pvget -r timeStamp.secondsPastEpoch neutrons
neutrons structure
     structure timeStamp
         long secondsPastEpoch 1547129085

$ pvinfo 13SIM1:Pva1:Image
13SIM1:Pva1:Image epics:nt/NTNDArray:1.0
     union value
         boolean[] booleanValue
     dimension_t[] dimension
             int size
     display_t display
         double limitLow

$ pvget -r dimension 13SIM1:Pva1:Image
13SIM1:Pva1:Image structure
     dimension_t[] dimension
             int size 1024
             int offset 0
             int fullSize 1024
             int binning 1
             boolean reverse false
             int size 1024
             int offset 0
             int fullSize 1024
             int binning 1
             boolean reverse false

For the SNS neutron data that was one argument for using PVAccess:
An XY histogram client may only need the pixel[],
a time-of-flight client may only need the time_of_flight[],
a proton charge accumulator may only need the proton_charge,
others may need a combination of elements up to the complete structure.

This access to sub-elements of the structure is also useful for CSS:
We cannot handle arbitrary structures like pva://neutrons, but we allow fetching sub-fields with a notation pva://neutrons/proton_charge.
The image widget can handle pva://13SIM1:Pva1:Image, but general tools like probe cannot. Still, probe can display pva://neutrons/proton_charge or pva://13SIM1:Pva1:Image/value which is just a scalar vs. number array.

When I use qsrv, however, I always seem to get the whole structure.
This is with EPICS 7.0.2:

$ pvinfo training:random
training:random epics:nt/NTScalar:1.0
     double value
     alarm_t alarm
         int severity
         int status
         string message
     time_t timeStamp
         long secondsPastEpoch
         int nanoseconds
         int userTag
     display_t display
         double limitLow
         double limitHigh
         string description
         string format
         string units
     control_t control
         double limitLow
         double limitHigh
         double minStep
     valueAlarm_t valueAlarm
         boolean active
         double lowAlarmLimit
         double lowWarningLimit
         double highWarningLimit
         double highAlarmLimit
         int lowAlarmSeverity
         int lowWarningSeverity
         int highWarningSeverity
         int highAlarmSeverity
         double hysteresis

$ pvget -r timeStamp.secondsPastEpoch training:random
training:random 2019-01-10 09:05:35.193  6.65934

$ pvget -vv -r timeStamp.secondsPastEpoch training:random
training:random epics:nt/NTScalar:1.0
     double value 4.50019
     alarm_t alarm
         int severity 0
         int status 0
         string message NO_ALARM
     time_t timeStamp 2019-01-10 09:05:41.193
         long secondsPastEpoch 1547129141
         int nanoseconds 193341059
         int userTag 0
     display_t display
         double limitLow 0
         double limitHigh 0
         string description
         string format
         string units
     control_t control
         double limitLow 0
         double limitHigh 0
         double minStep 0
     valueAlarm_t valueAlarm
         boolean active false
         double lowAlarmLimit nan
         double lowWarningLimit nan
         double highWarningLimit nan
         double highAlarmLimit nan
         int lowAlarmSeverity 0
         int lowWarningSeverity 0
         int highWarningSeverity 0
         int highAlarmSeverity 0
         double hysteresis 0

The following almost does what you want.

pvget -r timeStamp.secondsPastEpoch -p ca training:random

In exampleCPP/database there is a DBRecord named DBRdouble and a PVRecord named PVRdouble

I see

rk> pvget -r timeStamp.secondsPastEpoch  -p ca DBRdouble
DBRdouble structure
    time_t timeStamp <undefined>
        long secondsPastEpoch 0
        int nanoseconds 0
        int userTag 0
mrk> pvput DBRdouble 1
Old : <undefined>              0 INVALID DRIVER UDF
New : 2019-01-11 16:40:29.939  1
mrk> pvget -r timeStamp.secondsPastEpoch  -p ca DBRdouble
DBRdouble structure
    time_t timeStamp 2019-01-11 16:40:29.939
        long secondsPastEpoch 1547242829
        int nanoseconds 939371084
        int userTag 0

mrk> pvget -r timeStamp.secondsPastEpoch  PVRdouble
PVRdouble structure
    structure timeStamp
        long secondsPastEpoch 0
mrk> pvput PVRdouble 1
Old : <undefined>              0
New : 2019-01-11 16:47:48.055  1
mrk> pvget -r timeStamp.secondsPastEpoch  PVRdouble
PVRdouble structure
    structure timeStamp
        long secondsPastEpoch 1547243268

Maybe Michael can explain why qsrv does not have similar semantics.


It may not be an operational issue, because you typically want to get the complete NT* type for records served via qsrv.
But it's inconsistent, and it's unfortunate for training sessions where pvaSrv allowed me to say:
Look, you can read records via PVA and easily get just the units as  pva://record/display/units, because PVA generally allows you to fetch just what you want.

I think pvDatabaseCPP automatically supports requests for subsections of a structure.
Is qsrv not using pvDatabaseCPP for performance reasons?


'Request' support in qsrv Kasemir, Kay via Core-talk

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