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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: FWD: Re: Trial of New Epics Doc Pages
From: [email protected] (John R. Winans)
To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 09:19:35 -0600
Marty misaddressed the following message to only me and asked that I forward it to

John R. Winans wrote:
> ...
> We are making progress here.  I'd hate to have it stop at getting a table of
> contents.  I want a global text search of ALL the docs... it would make life
> ALOT easier for all of us poor saps that have to find that one sentence that
> defines some parameter in an index or appendix of some seemingly unrelated
> publication.
> If anyone ever tells you "it is in the doc", you would be able to find the
> exact line of text with a keyword and one mouse click!
> --John Winans
John states a wonderful goal. Every user will applaud it, and we are 
all users for whatever we have not developed ourself.
Is there some way we can reach it but still allow
things to be maintained in a distributed manner? Each site has a difficult time 
maintaining it's own documents without worring about all the other sites.
What do the WEB crawlers do?
Marty Kraimer

I commented that I am not aware of any crawlers that are freely available that will
work like glimpse does on a local filesystem.  There is a project called 'harvest'
that I have heard of that might be some kind of web crawler.

I encourage all of us to make what ever (often time little) documentation that we
have easy to access for the users.  If this means one extra FTP somewhere when 
updating the thing, that does not seem like too big of a deal to me.

--John Winans

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