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Subject: Re: CaWave
From: [email protected] (Steve Lewis)
To: [email protected], [email protected]
Cc: [email protected], [email protected]
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 96 15:22:08 PST
Jeff Hill wrote:
> Ben-chin K. Cha wrote:
> > You have to make the following changes for sun4
> >   1) to append the '-lansi' in the  USR_LDLIBS,  and
> >   2) insert the library path ' -L/usr/lang/SC1.0 -L/usr/lang/SC2.0.1patch '
> >      in the ld line for both CaWave.so and CaIDL.so build rule.
> > 
> Or just use a more recent version of sun pro C compiler "acc"?
> The following code compiles correctly with no compiler flags
> and acc: SC3.0.1 7/13/94.
> #include <string.h>
> main ()
> {
>         char *s = strerror(4);
> }

This works if you have SPECIAL_LANG = /usr/lang/SC3.0.1/lib set in 
CONFIG_SITE.Unix.sun4 and similarly for some other Unix flavors.

Steve Lewis

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