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Subject: Re: motor record query
From: [email protected] (Janet Tvedt)
To: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 1998 09:39:58 -0700
>From the code (and I think this is the version you have) it looks like
homf/homr are reset immediately unless the motor was already moving.  
In the latter case, a stop is issued first and homf and homr are not reset.
After the motor stops the homf/homr should be handled and reset as soon as
the homing operation begins.  In order for this to happen though the post
processing flag must be set (the pp field) and it *looks* like that is being
handled correctly.  This also relies on a callback being executed when the
motor has stopped and I have had problems with this not working as one would

Janet Tvedt, Engineering Technical Services     Internet: [email protected]
National Optical Astronomy Observatories        Phone:    (520) 318-8388
950 N. Cherry Ave., Tucson, AZ  85719           FAX:      (520) 318-8360

> A question for motor record gurus.
> I have been using the motor record for some time and have encountered a
> wee problem with stopping a stepper motor after the HOMF or HOMR field
> has been set.  I am assuming that HOMF/HOMR will be reset when the home
> switch is encountered so am I right in thinking that the STOP signal
> will be effectively ignored during the home seek operation unless 
> HOMF/HOMR is reset?  The documentation on the Web;
> at http://www.aps.anl.gov/xfd/SoftDist/swBCDA/recMotor.html
> does not say if HOMF/HOMR is reset immediately or when the home switch
> is found.
> ==============================================================================
> Len Lawrence                       Tel.   : +44 (0)131 668 8255 (direct)
> UK Astronomical Technology Centre
> Royal Observatory                           +44 (0)131 668 8100 (switchboard)
> Blackford Hill                     [email protected]
> Edinburgh EH9 3HJ                  aka [email protected]

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