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Subject: socket creation errors
From: Graham Waters <[email protected]>
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 15:52:33 -0700
I am in the process of porting our epics applications from
epics R3.13.1 under vxWorks 5.3 to epics R3.13.3 under vxWorks 5.4.
Generally thinks went quit well with no problems building the
epics release. However I have one application involving TCP/IP
connections in device support. I create driver instances and a
few sockets prior to calling iocInit without error messages.
After iocInit generally something like the following happens. Its
as though I gobble up all available space for socket ID's.

eio: reset

socket create failed: errno = 0x37  (CA_TCP): CAS: Socket creation error
../repeater.c: Unable to create repeater socket because 55="errno =
CAS: casts socket creation error
filename="../taskwd.c" line number=175
CA_TCP suspended
CAT_UDP suspends

error number 55 seems to be "No buffer space available"

The problem goes away if,
1) I reduce the number of epics devices using sockets
   (yes I did increase the value of "NUM_FILES")
2) Build a kernel with all WDB tasks excluded

I have seen references to "interrupt, eio: reset" in tech-talk"
whatever causes that message seems to be benign.

Does any of this mean anything or sound familiar to anybody.

|Graham Waters, Control System Eng       phone: (604)-222-1047        |
|TRIUMF --- University of B.C,           Fax: (604)-222-7307          |
|Vancouver, BC, Canada                e-mail: [email protected] |
|                                                                     |
|http://edevel9pc.triumf.ca/homepage/graham01.html                    |

For every expert there is an equal and opposite expert
					- Arthur C Clark

RE: socket creation errors Jeff Hill

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