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Subject: EE jobs at NSLS II: FPGA programming and Electrical
From: "Dalesio, Leo `Bob`" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2007 08:08:48 -0700
There are currently two jobs open for senior EEs. Both job descriptions are attached. There are more openings coming along. Please contact us if you have interest in an exciting opportunity to build a new 3rd generation light source at Brookhaven.

Attachment: NSLS II EE Job description_ project engineer II (2).doc
Description: NSLS II EE Job description_ project engineer II (2).doc

Attachment: NSLS II EE Job description_ Research Engineer II (P7) (2).doc
Description: NSLS II EE Job description_ Research Engineer II (P7) (2).doc

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