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Subject: Re: streamdevice to find the last match
From: Benjamin Franksen <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 23:10:07 +0200
Am Donnerstag, 22. August 2013, 21:17:37 schrieb Zhang, Dehong:
> I run into 2 little problems: I wait for the hardware to send a message
> like "BOS123456,P=987654EOS\r\n".
> Here BOS is my starting label and EOS the ending label.
> Due to timing, which I cannot control, sometimes I would receive 2 messages
> together, like:
> "BOS123456,P=987654EOS\r\nBOS345,P=987649EOS\r\n".
> Here the first one was sent when the state was still changing, the second
> one was sent when the state stablizes.  But the time in between is so
> short that the 2 messages just come out as one.  How can I skip the first
> match, only get the second/last match?
> My protocal is like:
> InTerminator  = CR;
> OutTerminator = CR LF;
> ReplyTimeout  = 800;
> ReadTimeout   = 100;
> WriteTimeout  = 100;
> ExtraInput    = Ignore;

It might be useful or perhaps even necessary to remove the last line, since
you want the whole response to match (so you can extract the last part).

> # Reports from the controller
> STATUS  { ReplyTimeout = 50; ReadTimeout = 10; InTerminator =; in
> "%.1/BOS([0-9,P=]*EOS)/"; }
> I tried to use the "$" anchor, but cannot get it to work -- maybe because
> "$" is a special character in streamdevice.

Hm, looks as if you use the regular expression matcher (which is based on
PCRE), so I think I can answer this question. To express "match expression X
zero or more times, then match X exactly once" you say


In your case the expression X is


so your whole regex should be


This should correctly match the response you get from the device, but does not
yet say which part to extract as the result.

In order to assign the last message to the VAL field of your record (probably
a stringin record or something like that, since you seem to want to match both
numbers simultaneously and also want to include the EOS in the result), your
protocol string should be


Or maybe this is not what you want. For instance, to get only the number after
the P=, say


etc. Note that in both cases you must match the second group (%.2/.../), not
the first one as in your version.

"Make it so they have to reboot after every typo." -- Scott Adams


Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH

Mitglied der Hermann von Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren e.V.

Aufsichtsrat: Vorsitzender Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Joachim Treusch, stv. Vorsitzende Dr. Beatrix Vierkorn-Rudolph
Geschäftsführung: Prof. Dr. Anke Rita Kaysser-Pyzalla, Thomas Frederking

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streamdevice to find the last match Zhang, Dehong

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