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Subject: Re: epicsRingPointer.h error C2664: 'delete' : cannot convert parameter
From: "J. Lewis Muir" <[email protected]>
To: EPICS Tech-Talk <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2015 13:20:52 -0600
On 1/30/15 5:48 PM, Andrew Johnson wrote:
> I don't think you'll be able to, MS Visual C++ 6 was released in 1998
> (17 years ago, long before MS implemented standard C++) and it doesn't
> support all of the C++ constructs that we make use of in Base. In 2008
> Jeff Hill explained that VC7 was too old to build Base-3.14.9:
>     http://www.aps.anl.gov/epics/tech-talk/2008/msg00078.php
> Can't you upgrade the compiler?

Hi, Andrew.

Thanks for your reply.  I'm writing a library (that uses EPICS CA) that
I need to work with a vendor-supplied program.  Unfortunately, I've been
told by the vendor that the program will only build with VC6, hence, in
order to have the best chance of things working right, I was planning to
use the same compiler to build my library (and EPICS Base).

So, to answer your question, upgrading the compiler is perhaps possible,
but I fear it might result in significant pain.

I'm not a Windows expert.  Is it possible to install, say, Visual Studio
2010 *alongside* VC6 on Windows 7?  And if so, is it possible to compile
EPICS Base and my library as DLLs that the VC6 vendor-supplied program
can link against?

Thank you!


Re: epicsRingPointer.h error C2664: 'delete' : cannot convert parameter Johnson, Andrew N.
epicsRingPointer.h error C2664: 'delete' : cannot convert parameter J. Lewis Muir
Re: epicsRingPointer.h error C2664: 'delete' : cannot convert parameter Andrew Johnson

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