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Subject: Re: Script BOY IntensityGraph to show areaDetector output of variable size
From: "Pearson, Matthew R." <[email protected]>
To: Phil Atkin <[email protected]>
Cc: "[email protected] list" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2016 17:04:59 +0000
Click the ‘Rules’ value for the Intensity Widget, then click the ‘+’ icon.
Enter a name for the rule, followed by selecting the actual property that the rule will change (eg. Data Width).
In the ‘Input PVs’ list add the PV name (e.g.. $(P):ArraySize0_RBV) and make sure that the trigger is set to ‘Yes’. This will ensure the rule will run when the PV changes.
Then in the ‘Expressions’ list, type in ‘pv0’ in the right field, then ‘true’ in the left field. Also make sure the ‘Output Expression’ is ticked.

To verify the rule, click the ‘See Generated Script’ button. I get:

var pv0 = PVUtil.getDouble(pvs[0]);

(where the 2560 is what I set the property to default to).

When you have multiple input PVs, the variable names in the Expressions list are pv0, pv1, pv2, etc.


> On Apr 20, 2016, at 12:04 PM, Phil Atkin <[email protected]> wrote:
> Thanks to both of you.
> Could one of you give me a pointer on how to create such a rule?
> Thanks
> Phil
> On 20/04/2016 16:56, Pearson, Matthew R. wrote:
>> Hi Phil,
>> We do the same as Bruno mentions.
>> Data Height (ArraySize1_RBV)
>> Data Width (ArraySize0_RBV)
>> where the PVs are from the StdArray plugin.
>> In addition you’ll also need to have additional rules for setting the X and Y axis Min and Max values. These rules use the PVs from the detector driver that knows about binning and ROI selection:
>> X Axis Min - (MinX_RBV)
>> Y Axis Min - (MinY_RBV)
>> X Axis Max (MinX_RBV + ArraySizeX_RBV)
>> Y Axis Max (MinY_RBV + ArraySizeY_RBV)
>> We also use a another rule that defines the maximum intensity (the Maximum property) based on a PV. Then we have a Scaled Slider widget to change the intensity.
>> Cheers,
>> Matt
>> Data Acquisition and Control Engineer
>> Spallation Neutron Source
>> Oak Ridge National Lab
>>> On Apr 20, 2016, at 9:26 AM, Bruno Martins <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> Hi Phil,
>>> You can create two rules, for the data_width and data_height properties, that look at the $(P)ArraySize0_RBV and $(P)ArraySize1_RBV PV's
>>> HTH,
>>> Bruno
>>> On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 6:44 AM, Phil Atkin <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> Thanks Gabriela,
>>> - but I guess my question was ambiguous.  If I understand correctly, your script adjusts the height of the IntensityGraph widget so that its aspect ratio matches the image.
>>> But the IntensityGraph will not display anything at all unless I set its Data Height and Data Width properties to match the attached array.  Do you have something to accomplish this?
>>> Also: I have no idea how to actually attach the code or make it run at an appropriate time.  Can you point me at documentation that describes this?
>>> Thanks
>>> Phil
>>> On 20/04/2016 11:34, [email protected] wrote:
>>> this is the very simple python script that I use:
>>> from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil
>>> imageWidget        = display.getWidget('Image')
>>> imageXSizeWidget   = display.getWidget('X-Size')
>>> imageYSizeWidget   = display.getWidget('Y-Size')
>>> try :
>>>     imageXSizePV   = imageXSizeWidget.getPV()
>>>     imageYSizePV   = imageYSizeWidget.getPV()
>>>     nImageRows    = PVUtil.getLong(imageYSizePV)
>>>     nImageColumns = PVUtil.getLong(imageXSizePV)
>>>     imageWidget.setPropertyValue('graph_area_width', 512)
>>>     imageWidget.setPropertyValue('graph_area_height', (512.0/nImageColumns)*nImageRows)
>>> except :
>>>     pass
>>> Phil Atkin <[email protected]> ha scritto:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm using BOY IntensityGraph to show a (stdArray) output image from an areaDetector driver/plugin.
>>> The size of my array changes quite a bit.
>>> Can someone tell me (in laborious detail if necessary, please) how to set up scripts or "embedded rules" on the IntensityGraph to cope with a variable-sized image?
>>> Thanks!
>>> Phil

Re: Script BOY IntensityGraph to show areaDetector output of variable size Phil Atkin
Re: Script BOY IntensityGraph to show areaDetector output of variable size gabriele . salvato
Re: Script BOY IntensityGraph to show areaDetector output of variable size Phil Atkin
Re: Script BOY IntensityGraph to show areaDetector output of variable size Bruno Martins
Re: Script BOY IntensityGraph to show areaDetector output of variable size Pearson, Matthew R.
Re: Script BOY IntensityGraph to show areaDetector output of variable size Phil Atkin

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