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Subject: Re: Control system for Keithley
From: Márcio Paduan Donadio <[email protected]>
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2016 12:39:14 +0000
         Hello, Paramveer.

     I'd like to add one more question to Ralph Lange ones:
     - When you say you want design control system for Keithley are you 
intending to build an IOC or to build an EPICS client system to access 
your IOC and do something with it?

     We have IOCs to many types of Keythley in LNLS, but if you want to 
build your own to learn how to do it, I suggest you to read this 
tutorial and practice the exercises: 
http://www.aps.anl.gov/epics/base/R3-14/12-docs/AppDevGuide/node3.html . 
Mainly about the use of makeBaseApp.pl .

     After that you can study StreamDevice in 
http://epics.web.psi.ch/software/streamdevice/doc/ .

     If you want to build an EPICS client to interact with your Keythley 
IOC, there are many ways to do so. It will depend on your preference or 
the standards used in the lab you work in.

     If you like Python, you can develop scripts using PyEpics, for 
example. Here in LNLS we have a Python library that uses PyEpics called 
Py4Syn: py4syn.lnls.br. It has already a built-in Keithley 6514 module 
you can adapt to your case: 
http://py4syn.readthedocs.io/en/latest/epics/epics_keithley_6514.html .

     If you like Java, C/C++, LabVIEW, etc, there will be options for 
you, too.

     If you want to build screens for the user you can use CS-Studio, 
PyQt, PyDM, caQtDM, and many other possibilities.

     As you can see, there is no easy answer to your question about next 
steps. There are lots of ways to go and you need to test some to choose 
the one that makes more sense to you.

     Best regards,

Márcio Paduan Donadio
Engenheiro de Computação - Software de Operação das Linhas de Luz
Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron – (LNLS)
Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e Materiais (CNPEM)
+ 55 (19) 3512-3520 - [email protected]

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