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Subject: base R7.0.3.1-1.0 db field DOL="" different behavior then in R3.14.12
From: "Luchini, Kristi L. via Tech-talk" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: "tech-talk at aps.anl.gov" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2023 23:38:22 +0000



I’m upgrading an EPICS IOC Application from epics base R3.14.12 to R7.0.3.1-1.0, and I’ve noticed a different behavior on boot regarding the DOL field of an output record. For example for an aoRecord,  in R3.14.12 if you set DOL=”” on boot the VAL field will be restored.   If,  DOL is a link then the value of that PV will be restored in the ao.   However, in R7.0.3.1-1.0 , if DOL=”” a 0 is restored, independent of the VAL field.   Only if I don’t specify the DOL field in the db,  will the VAL field be restored on boot.    Is there a reason this behavior has changed?  To me the R3.14.12 behavior seems to be correct.   




Re: base R7.0.3.1-1.0 db field DOL="" different behavior then in R3.14.12 Michael Davidsaver via Tech-talk

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