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Subject: Re: Search all PV available
From: "Blomley, Edmund \(IBPT\) via Tech-talk" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: "Kasemir, Kay" <kasemirk at ornl.gov>, "tech-talk at aps.anl.gov" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>, CAOUEN Loic <loic.caouen at cea.fr>
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2023 14:48:15 +0000



> Another approach is adding something like "dbl >list_of_records" to the end of each IOC startup script, and then have some home-built service tool collect those lists of records per IOC.


That is what we do. We use a cron job to combine all of these files (and filters out records containing specific strings, which we use by convention to mark IOC "internal" records). One feature we provide with the resulting list is auto-tab completion in the bash terminal for the basic caget/caput/camonitor commands up until the next colon.




Von: Tech-talk tech-talk-bounces at aps.anl.gov Im Auftrag von Kasemir, Kay via Tech-talk

Gesendet: Donnerstag, 20. April 2023 15:56

An: tech-talk at aps.anl.gov; CAOUEN Loic loic.caouen at cea.fr

Betreff: Re: Search all PV available


In short, no.


First note that there's a difference between records and PVs.

In principle, every field of every record can be a PV.

For an analog input record "X", you can get a DBR_CTRL_DOUBLE type of channel that basically provides the content of VAL, TIME, EGU, PREC, ...

You can also create a DBR_STRING channel for "X.EGU" and so on.

In most cases you use just the record name as a channel name, but for a motor record, "X.RBV" is a very useful channel.


So the exact number of channels isn't really well defined, but what you're probably looking for is a list of record names. Then again, no, out of the box that's not available on the network.

Just like you can't get a list of all web pages from a web server.

For web pages, google tries to build a list of web pages in various ways.


> .. available on an IP address ?


In practice, the use case it typically not finding a list of records for a running IOC.

If you have the IP address, you can usually somehow get to the IOC and type "dbl".

The task at hand is usually that PV "X" is unresolved and you need to figure out where that record was supposed to be, which IOC happens to be down right now.

So for that some offline database which gets populated when IOCs start but can then tell you later where a record was last seen is better.

For IOCs, the Channel Finder and 'recsync' are one way to build it.

Another approach is adding something like "dbl >list_of_records" to the end of each IOC startup script, and then have some home-built service tool collect those lists of records per IOC.





From: Tech-talk mailto:tech-talk-bounces at aps.anl.gov on behalf of CAOUEN Loic via Tech-talk mailto:tech-talk at aps.anl.gov

Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2023 9:18 AM

To: mailto:tech-talk at aps.anl.gov mailto:tech-talk at aps.anl.gov

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Search all PV available




Is there a way to find all the ChannelAccess PV available on an IP address ?

I’ve had a look to Channel Finder https://github.com/ChannelFinder but it looks like a search engine (search the PV info put in the engine database).

Is there a tool in epics base to do that ?



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Re: Search all PV available Timo Korhonen via Tech-talk

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