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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Re: "I/O Intr" record not processing
From: Érico Nogueira Rolim via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: boj <lister at f77.dk>, "tech-talk at aps.anl.gov" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2023 11:09:43 +0000
Hi, Bo

The StreamDevice docs specify the following for I/O Intr records:

 > The protocol now receives any input from the device. It also gets a
copy of all input directed to other records.

I believe the input that matches the `in` statement in GetV is what's
passed to GetTime first, then the remaining bytes; none of those will
match what GetTime expects. Could you use the same pattern you used in
GetTime in GetV? Just changing where the non-ignored value is.


On 22/09/2023 07:15, boj via Tech-talk wrote:
> Dear all
> I am implementing a very simple serial communication IOC, where each
> call to the instrument returns all relevant values.
> The StremDevice manual suggests to use "I/O Intr" record processing.
> The database, protocol and startup file is given below.
> The "V" record is processed as expected, but the "Time" record is
> never updated. If i enable "SCAN, "5 second""  for the "Time" record
> this also works so the protocol is returning valid (using the same out
> string as for the "V" record.
> Am I overlooking something here , or is there anyway to debug why the
> record is not processed?
> I am running the 3.15 branch of EPICS , under linux using a soft ioc
> Thanks in advance for any hints
> Bo
> ** Database file: ENG110_test.db:
> record(ai, "$(BASE):V") {
>   field(DTYP, "stream")
>   field(INP, "@ENG110_test.proto GetV asynstream1")
>   field(SCAN, "5 second")
> }
> record(ai, "$(BASE):Time") {
>   field(DTYP, "stream")
>   field(INP, "@ENG110_test.proto GetTime asynstream1")
>   field(SCAN, "I/O Intr")
> ** Protocol file ENG110_test.proto:
> ExtraInput = Ignore;
> GetV {
>   out "\x02\x05\x95\x61\x03";
>   in "%*9r%#4R";
> };
> GetTime {
>         in "%*9r%*#4R%*#4R%*#4R%*#4R%*#4R%*#4R%#4R";
> };
> ** Startup file
> ## Register all support components
> dbLoadDatabase("/usr/lib/epics/dbd/stream-Ioc.dbd",0,0)
> stream_Ioc_registerRecordDeviceDriver(pdbbase)
> #Specify the TCP endpoint and give your 'bus' an arbitrary name eg.
> "asynstream1".
> drvAsynSerialPortConfigure("asynstream1", "/dev/ttyUSB0",0,0,0)
> asynSetOption("asynstream1",-1,"baud","9600")
> asynSetOption("asynstream1",-1,"bits","8")
> asynSetOption("asynstream1",-1,"parity","none")
> asynSetOption("asynstream1",-1,"stop","1")
> asynSetOption("asynstream1",-1,"clocal","Y")
> asynSetOption("asynstream1",-1,"crtscts","N")
> ## Load record instances for 8 channel module
> dbLoadRecords("ENG110_test.db","BASE=IntLab2:ENG110")

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"I/O Intr" record not processing boj via Tech-talk

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