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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: RE: EPICS Archiver Appliance and Channel Filters
From: "Quemuel, Jonathan Kelii Kenji via Tech-talk" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: "tech-talk at aps.anl.gov" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2023 00:16:36 +0000

Greetings all,


I was testing out the EPICS Archiver Appliance, and I noticed that it does not accept channel filtered queries for archiving.

Here at LANSCE, we are very interested in archiving data on channels with filters similar to these (https://epics.anl.gov/base/R3-15/1-docs/filters.html) applied to them.

Just allowing the additional characters results in an error in the arch.log:


[PVNameDispatcherPVNameEvents 2] ERROR org.epics.archiverappliance.engine.pv.EPICS_V3_PV  - The meta get listener was not successful for EPICS_V3_PV TBGR001E01.NAME$

[Engine scheduler for misc tasks.] ERROR org.epics.archiverappliance.engine.metadata.MetaGet  - Cannot determine DBR type for pv TBGR001E01.{'dbnd':{'abs':1}}


I’m also not sure how to support filters that use a comma, as the archiver treats these as separate channels.


Does anyone have a recommendation for how to go about fixing this, and what else might need to be modified?



Jonathan Quemuel



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