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Subject: UK mirror for EPICS documentation?
From: "David F. Buscher" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 1995 17:30:25 +0100 (BST)
I am finding that reading the EPICS documentation at ANL over the WWW is
near-impossible during the day - the links from the UK to the US go to
sub-hertz effective bandwidths. Is there a UK "mirror" for these web
pages? (If there is a mirror in continental Europe, this would also be an
improvement over the US, but those electrons seem to slow down once they
have to cross any body of water). 

If not, how does one go about setting up such a mirror? Mirroring an ftp 
site is relatively straightforward, but doing so to a set of web pages 
seems to be an altogether more complex proposition, because of 
recursive links, non-relative links, etc.


 David Buscher                          |  Phone  +44 191 374 7462
 Dept of Physics, University of Durham, |  Fax    +44 191 374 3749
 South Road, Durham DH1 3LE, UK         |  Email  [email protected]

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