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Subject: EPICS RS232
From: Ian Smith <[email protected]>
To: [email protected], [email protected]
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 1995 15:15:37 +0100 (BST)

I have just finished putting together a small epics data base that uses a
networked terminal server to transmit and receive rs232 data to/from external
devices.  I use Andy Foster's (RGO) new multiple output subroutine to call a
library of c routines that perform tcp socket i/o to the server.  

My application (Michelle Cryostat Controller) requires that I send occasional
(every few seconds) command strings to various 'droids' (temperature/vacuum
scanners, temperature controller,...) and receive back data.  So I don't need 
a high spec vme device for the communication.  I also save on not using up a
valuable vme slot.

The database can communicate with any of the 32 ports on the server(I'm using
an Emulex) as well as print strings to the parallel printer port on the server.
Potentially there is no limit to the number of servers/ports that can be
connected to with this method, and the server dosn't have to be anywhere near
the ioc, just somewhere (in the world!) on the internet.  All that is 
required is the server's IP name/number and the port number on the server to 
make a connection.  The server has to be capable of being set up as a Telnet 

If anybody would like more details then just let me know.


Ian A Smith			Telephone: +44 (0) 131 668 8257
Royal Observatory		Fax:       +44 (0) 131 668 1130
Blackford Hill			Web:       http://www.roe.ac.uk/

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