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Subject: I'm just trying to follow orders...
From: [email protected] (Bill Brown)
To: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 95 14:42:30 PST
I got the following message in a window where I was running dm:

> A call to "assert (piiu->sock_chan!=INVALID_SOCKET)" failed in ../iocinf.c line 1182.
> The file "core" will be created in the current working directory.
> Please save this file and the text of this message in order to assist
in diagnosing this problem.
> Please contact the author of this software or else send the text of
this message to "[email protected]"
> [1]    Abort                dm.3.12.1 criocStatMon.dl (core dumped)

5>crconm22.als:dl% ls -l core
-rw-r--r--  1 wbrown    8855984 Dec  4 09:24 core

If someone (anyone?) wants the core dump, please let me know asap, as it
represents ~18% of the (normally) free space on that drive.


p.s.  mailing to "[email protected]" resulted in a bounce.  Hope this is
      the right place to send it.

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