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Subject: Mixing C and Fortran
From: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 96 18:52:39 -0400

Anyone desiring to mix C and Fortran should take a look at the
CFORTRAN package by Burkhard Burow, available by anon FTP from
zebra.desy.de [].

I have made extensive use of this package, and can recommend it

Here's a brief description (from the doc):

1 Introduction

CFORTRAN provides tools to help create an easy-to-use and machine independent
interface between C and FORTRAN routines and global data.

FORTRAN routines and global data can now be used as easily from C as they can
from FORTRAN. Similarly FORTRAN programmers can now use C routines and global
data just as easily as FORTRAN routines and data. In short, even without a deep
understanding of the 'foreign' language, programmers can trivially call
routines and use data from the 'foreign' language.

The interface which gives programmers the above freedoms is easily created. The
source code for the 'foreign' routines and data is not required; a description
of the global data and of the routines' arguments and return values is
sufficient. The interface can be created with little or no knowledge of any
machine/OS/compiler/linker subtleties.

The description of the routines and data is passed as arguments to C
preprocessor directives, defined in cfortran.h, which generate the code needed
for the interface. Note that there are no special preprocessors or other
programs involved in creating the interface.

The complete CFORTRAN package consists of 4 files: the documentation in
cfortran.doc, the engine in cfortran.h, examples in cfortest.c and cfortex.for. 
The single cfortran.h file currently supports the following machines/OS: 

VAX VMS or Ultrix, DECstation, Silicon Graphics, IBM RS/6000, Sun, CRAY, 
Apollo and HP9000.

Brian McAllister                               E-mail: [email protected]
Bates Linear Accelerator, Middleton, Ma                    (617) 253-9537

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